Arcata, CA

Monday September 8, 2003

     8:56am  I woke up over by the place I had slept the other night. Over by the access road on 101/Samoa. Close to there. I'm really cold. I'm hungry and cold. Well, I'm going to walk to the library and go to work. I am almost caught up.

                   Cool, I just found me this rainbow bracelet on the ground.

     9:05am  I just ran into Geba. He was going to go hitchhike to Eureka.

     9:16am  Geba and I walked over to Cash Oil, where we usually go for coffee. Papa John just gave me a dime for coffee. Thanks Papa John, I appreciate it.

     9:20am  We're over at the Cash Oil. I saw some brother smoking a cigarette. I asked him if he could spare one and he has been generous enough to. Thanks a lot, brother. His name is Cliff.

     9:30am  I just had a good conversation with that guy I bummed the cigarette off of. I think his name is Clifford, or something. I told him all my scripts and he agrees with every single bit of it.

     10:07am  I'm about to leave and Clifford hooked me up with even another cigarette. Thanks, brother.

     11:23am  Geba is telling me I am Mahacohohan, the one who overlooks the seven manuraces. He says, "It goes by bone, jaw and body structures. You notice a lot of native earth walkers, travelers, shepherds, nomads and gypsies after a while their bodies become thin, but be real strong. Kind of like a deer. That's a manurace. You can tell by the bodies. It doesn't matter what color or anything, but the bodies are kind of all developed with the same characteristics by way of the thinness, the tone of the body(no fat, like a deer), able to live in any weather and survive anywhere on the planet, stuff like that. That's a manurace. Orientals are a completely different manurace than you are. Understand? Different generations of forms of human body expressions like us, that are all put together in a certain thing. They are older than us. Asians are Fifth Manu and everybody in between the color spectrum are in between, but they are all held in one big Manurace and that would be the SixthManurace. So, the Seventh Manu is going to be coming in right now in a portal down in the jungles of South America. And they'll be Christ-born children, ascended-born children. They'll have like kind of gypsy skin, auburn hair and violet eyes. They're being born now. You can petition to have a Christ-born or ascended-born child if you want to. You have to go through testing. You can't just birth an ascended child. You are talking and interacting with the being for many months to years before it enters into your seed.
                      Mahacohohan, that means that the sunlight goes to you and then defracts to the seven Manu, who overlook the seven Manuraces. Then, it goes from them to everybody else. All the lifestream. It wouldn't necessarily be you sitting there, but see, ten feet above you is the gold star and another five feet above that is another gold star surrounded by a rainbow sphere. That up there is the actual Mahacohohan. What you are is the direct ray radiation of him going from there to the gold star and now sitting here. He is emanating you actively. That's you, but you're up there making you sit here. Kind of like remote control. Sunlight emanates everything that exists by one thought all day long. You don't know if God blinks, nothing exists and then he wakes back up and makes it identical to what it was before. How do you know that what exists behind you is even there? You can't see it behind you. You have a one-dimensional reality. You will only experience what you see forward. There are things you will never experience like the back of your head, the back of your neck. You can't see them and never will. Do you notice how when you look in a circle, it is all just one sphere. Maybe it's not really the size of those pictures that we see of the big earth. Maybe it's just all floating so close together that it's one big ball. But, if you separate it, you can have separate earth spheres floating around. Maybe that's alpha and omega right there.
                      And what happens is that we're all like little gods in our own little earth sphere all connected and jumbled together in a big ring around the sun, which is actually Alpha and Omega. Maybe one day we'll just pull out one of the spheres and let it float and see what that earth looks like that it's holding for itself.
                      Let me ask you a question. Have you ever noticed that the stuff that you share, and walk. Like maybe you walk up to someone you just met and they'll say something that maybe you said. Or they'll actually be living and doing one of the things that you seeded in your mind. Does that ever happen?"

     Victor: "There's lot's of occasions where I've made a direct difference."

     Geba: "Well, that would be what I'm talking about. It actually enters into the skin and is absorbed, energetically. When thoughts leave your body, they leave your body through all the pores in your skin through perspiration. It's the charge of electromagnetic energy."

     11:53am  We're having a good little smoking session out in the marsh. We are already late for lunch at the Endeavor. Do you know when they stop feeding, Geba? He told me that if I wanted to start walking that he would catch up to me. That's what I'm going to do.

     12:00pm  I am walking towards The Endeavor. I hope I get there in time to eat. Geba is kind of starting to get on my nerves. He wouldn't listen to me. He had come up to me and asked me, "Hey, you want to go somewhere and tell me your stories?" We went to the marsh and I was relieved thinking, "Hey, I'm going to have some guy set some time aside to listen to me. I just may have a follower." But when I started talking to him, Geba started doing other shit at the same time. I told him, "Hey man, some eye contact would help the storytelling." He just started blabbering about stuff.
                     I just didn't feel like continuing. He said, "Oh, I can do two things at once, keep talking." I told him, "Geba, my stuff is so important. I need you to listen to me. Nothing but me. It's world peace I am trying to bring here. I need your full attention. When I am talking and you start doing other things, I am sort of insulted that you could find something better to give any attention to at the moment. What I am trying to do here is really of global-importance and you, of all people should have your ears glued to my lips. I could've sworn you, Hippie Geba would be the one who would listen to me the most." Oh well, I'm walking to The Endeavor now. I'm going to eat and then I'm going to go to work at the school.

     12:40pm  I just finished eating at The Endeavor. Yummy chicken soup and some macaroni salad, too. I'm all fueled up for my mission. I'm going to smoke this cigarette that I was able to bum earlier and then I'm going to go to school and catch up. Oh yeah, I gotta go sit on the sidewalk while I smoke.

     12:55pm  I was walking towards the school. I passed this cool spot in the trees by the highway, where I know there's a couch. There are these street kids out here drinking. These guys are being generous enough to give me a couple swigs of their booze. For the cause.

     1:15pm  I had asked that group of kids drinking if they had time for a story. They told me yeah. I asked them, "You promise you'll listen to me and you won't interrupt me?" They told me to go ahead. Fuckin-a. Right when I started, like two or three guys started talking about other stuff. This one guy had set a paint bucket down for me to sit on and was the only one listening to me. Man, but just as soon as I get into my stuff, he starts with his stories. Frustrated, I said, "Sorry guys, you guys told me you would listen to me and now you're not. I hate wasting time. I have things to do." I just left and headed towards the library. Ugh, damn the ignorance in this world. I am trying to do what all these hippies want done, but they're not listening to me. Why do I have to do all this work by myself? I miss San Antonio.

     1:29pm  I came to the school. I looked in the thing that people put their cigarette butts in and I found me half an American Spirit, which I'm smoking now. It was a present.

     1:37pm  I came to the library and I'm sitting at a computer. I totally forgot I had given my headphones to Camille, but good thing they have a couple spare sets of headphones in the library for people to use with the computers. Cool.

     3:40pm  I got tired of typing up stuff. I really need Geba. I'm going to go and try to find Geba and get him to come back with me and revise all the stuff that I have him saying so far. He should care. After all, it's him that I am quoting. He needs to get on this project with me already. I have stuff that he said that I am omitting or changing because I can't understand him on my recorder. It'll be a joint-effort. I gotta go find Geba. Oh yeah, I forgot. I never went to the bathroom and brushed my teeth and take a shit. I'm going to go do that.

     4:23pm  I finished up in the bathroom. I'm feeling lazy today. I feel like I have to go get Geba. Or else I'm just going to leave it as I hear it.

     4:30pm  Raymond hooked me up with a rollie at the decorated bridge on the college boundary before you get to the footbridge. When Raymond saw me pull my tape recorder out, he got all paranoid and told me to hold it. Hehe.

     4:52pm  Mogli's smoking a brother out. I appreciate it, brother.

     5:09pm  Leslie has agreed to give me some change for an apple fritter. That's very generous of you, Leslie.

     5:18pm  I just had me a wonderful sale. This girl walked by and I asked her if she could spare some change for an apple fritter. She came back, gave me some change, talked to me and listened to all my scripts. I pulled out my tape recorder and everything. I blew her mind, hehe. Rock on. And now I have enough for my donut. Excellent.

     5:30pm  I'm over at the trash can by The Alibi. I bummed a cigarette off this girl and some guy just asked if anybody wanted some shrooms. I said, "I want some shrooms. How much?" $20/eighth. Then this hippie in a tie-dye shirt started harping on about how much he wanted some money. Stupid hippiecrite.

     5:34pm  Oh yeah, I forgot to tell you guys that you can't even sit down in the plaza here in Arcata. You can actually get a sitting ticket.

     5:31pm  I ran into Sam. Somebody else who recognized me from Berkeley. This is awesome. Through word-of-mouth let it be known.

     6:05pm  Sam is cool. She's that gay black chick I met in Berkeley. We hung out in front of the Wet Seal and she banged on some drums. Sam had some coffee she wanted to make, but needed hot water. I volunteered my 32oz water bottle and we took off to go find some hot water. I suggested the Safeway, because I got hot water for my Ramen noodles there all the time. We walked over to the Safeway and filled up my bottle with hot water out of those beverage pump things. As we were walking back, I thought maybe it wouldn't be hot enough. Sam checked it and she didn't think it was. Then we saw that we were right next to the Sacred Grounds Coffee Shop. We figured we could get some hot water there. I poured out all of the tepid water and Sam went inside to fill up the bottle. I see her inside talking to the cashier and he shakes his head and I see Sam walking back out with an empty bottle. Sam says, "He wants a quarter." I say, "Damn! For hot water in a coffee shop?! Fuck money." I had a quarter, so I gave it to her and now we can get hot water.

     6:10pm  Sam is telling me that when she walked up she asked him, "Do you have any hot water?" He asked her, "Do you have 25 cents?" Sam told him no and that he had said, "Oh, then I don't have any hot water." What a prick. Punk ass kid.

     7:20pm  Kim, in front of Toby and Jacks gave me a cigarette. I appreciate it, Kim. Everybody gets credit in my game.

     8:25pm  This cool redhead listened to me a lot. She's lived in Humboldt her whole life. In Eureka. I don't know what happened to Geba. I don't know what happened to him. Umm, I don't need Geba. I can find a place to crash all on my own. I'm going to go get a cigarette.

     8:38pm  I'm out here trying to get a donut and Dave hooked me up with some change. I appreciate it, Dave.

     8:45pm  Jason just hooked me up with his last American Spirit. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit in my game.

     9:00pm  I ran into those guys I woke up with that one morning when it was cold and chilly. I think their names are Dave and Jerome. They have a little puppy named Kerouac. I think it was the night before I slept in the barn. Or maybe the night before that. Anyway, I'm going to go to the plaza and read my Third Wave book some more.

     9:35pm  Colleen Devine Queen gave me a divine cigarette. I appreciate it, Colleen.

     10:08pm  Whoa, everybody's fighting. Man, all this violence. This is Arcata, damnit.

     10:10pm  Whoa, this guy got knocked out. Man, it's a crazy-ass fight. Everybody is fighting. Dude, so much violence everywhere. Holy shit. They called an ambulance. This one guy got kicked in the face.

     10:13pm  The cops are here. They're making a report. There are tons of witnesses. Damn.

                     They just pointed one of the kids out to the cops. They're following him. Let's see what happens. Here come the cops.

                     They have the guy over the hood of the car. There was four of them. They have that one guy handcuffed. There's dogs barking.

     10:21pm  I just talked to this girl who had noticed me recording myself during the fight. I told her what I was going to do and she said, "Oh, I believe you can do that, too." Then she just turned her back to me. Ignorance is bliss, I suppose.

     10:25pm  Phil was generous enough to give me a cigarette. I appreciate it, brother.

     10:35pm  Russell and Sean hooked me up with some spare change for another donut.

     10:36pm  I was standing there looking at all the donuts and Jason asked me, "You need some cash?" I told him I had enough, but thanks anyway. It's the thought that counts, brother.

     10:55pm  Jason..JPG is not only hooking me up with change for a donut, but he's giving me an additional dollar, too. Badass, brother. To the Victor go the spoils.

                     He is also recommending me to read Writing Down The Bones - Freeing The Writer Within. Cool. Natalie Goldberg is the author.

     11:20pm  Remember, this Friday at noon to go check out the JPG Concert at the quad at HSU. JPG is a one-man band. That's awesome. JPG is on his way to go play live on the radio right now.

     11:21pm  Wow, I had a great time talking to that Jason guy. I told him my whole story. Almost all of it. He hooked me up with some money.

     11:24pm  Josh hooked me up with a cigarette. That's very generous of you, brother.

     11:25pm  Josh gave me a hit of weed, too. Spreadin' the peace. I appreciate it, brother.

     11:47pm  Keykia has been generous enough to give me a cigarette. I appreciate it, sister.

     12:00am  It's midnight. I just had the greatest talk with Brian. I didn't even have to explain it all to him. He's a believer. When he left he said, "You'll be in my prayers, Victor." Man, I'm having a great night. I'm getting all these people to listen to me.

                     Oh yeah, that dude Brian smoked a joint with me and he gave me the roach. Awesome. I'm going to go smoke it with Geba. Where's Geba?

     12:43am  It's drizzling so that means I'm going to go crash at the barn tonight. Out in the barn again.

                     Time is I don't know because I can't see my watch because I wrapped my scarf around my head to sleep. I came to the barn and all of a sudden I hear, "Victor." It's Dave and Jerome and Kerouac.

Next day..

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