Arcata, CA

Tuesday September 9, 2003

     6:50am  I just woke up in the barn. Those two other dudes slept here too. Jerome and umm, I forgot.

     7:08am  I woke up in the barn. Just right now I just emptied my mission-bag on that big coffin box thing. I got everything ready to go. I'm just going to sit down here and read my book. My Third Wave book.

     7:31am  I read like ten pages or so. I'm going to get up and go into town. Start my day.

     8:26am  I stopped in front of that Finnish Sauna and smoked these old hippie dudes out. I had that roach from that guy I talked to last night. I still had it and I wanted to smoke. I thought, "Hmm, should I walk off somewhere and smoke by myself? It's a big roach that could last me all day." Ahhh, I'm going to share with all the guys. Now that my one-hitter went around and I'm all stoned, I'm going to go to the school and type up my stuff. I even have a hit for my break.

                   It's drizzling so I have donned my rain cloak.

                   Cool, I found a dime. I found a nickel earlier, too.

                   I'm walking to the college. I'm almost at the footbridge. Hmm, I want a cigarette. I'm going to go check the smoking posts at the library. All of a sudden Jynx walks by and hands me the rest of his cigarette. Just like that. Ask and thou shalt receive, hehe. That's awesome.

     8:50am  I'm coming up on the library.

     8:52am  I'm in front of the library. I see Samuel smoking a cigarette and I ask him if he could spare one. He sure enough can. I appreciate it, brother.

     9:24am  That was a fucking presentation I just had. I talked to that guy forever! I told him my whole odyssey story and everything. That guy I bummed the cigarette from. He didn't have an email address, but said he'd remember mine. Oh yeah, and he gave me another cigarette.

     9:35am  I'm at the computer. I'll take another smoke break later.

     3:35pm  I just got through at the library. Well, I didn't get through, I just decided I'd take a break. Oh yeah, I'm already on the same exact tape I'm on, so I couldn't record my lunch break earlier. Oh yeah, when I went out to go eat at The Endeavor, it started raining. I put on my rain poncho, walked there and ate. It was good. They had some pizza and I walked all the way back and got on the computer again. I only have two more days to go until I am caught up. I'm on the seventh and today is the ninth(but in all actuality I am typing this up on the 23rd). I still need to go get Geba. I was feeling a little tired. I got off the computer. I'm going to go into town. Actually, I'm going to check the smoking posts for a cigarette.

                   Dude, I found more than half of an American Spirit. I'm going to smoke that.

     3:57pm  I just walked past Ottavio's Barber Shop. I stopped in and asked him, "Hey, all I need is a #1 buzz. I don't suppose I could borrow your trimmers?" Ottavio said, "No, it's illegal." I said, "What do you mean it's illegal? It's a deadly weapon?" He said he could lose his license. I asked him how much a #1 buzz was anyway and he said ten dollars. Screw that. A #1 buzz is like a couple minutes worth of work. Ten dollars my ass.

     4:30pm  John just hooked me up with a cigarette. I appreciate it, brother.

     5:20pm  I'm just sitting here at the plaza drying out my feet. I'm just chilling out smoking cigarettes and smoking weed. I'm going to put mink oil on my boots now that they got wet with the rain and are cleaned off.

     5:40pm  Tree smoked a brother out. I appreciate it, brother.

     5:53pm  I'm sitting here oiling my boots and I just came to the realization that they are about to die. They are about to wear through. My foot got all wet today because it was raining. The sole is broken. Man, I need to head back to San Antonio and re-supply. But I've seen this girl Colleen, who says she's getting $60,000 soon. She knows about my book, so I hit her up for bus fare back to San Antonio. She told me she didn't have any money right then. I told her I could wait until she did and that it was like $140. She said, "Well, since you are writing a book on generosity and it will come back to me, I guess so." Oh shit, I might be mobilized soon. This is awesome. If that's the case, I'm going to do my thing to Scotia and walk until I get a ride to SF and from there I'll take the Greyhound. It's going to be cool.

     6:21pm  This is awesome. I might be going home soon. Either on the Greyhound or I'll take off hitch hiking.

     6:30pm  Alisha gave me a cigarette again. What was your email address again? lyshygurl@yahoo.com

     7:05pm  We're shrooming at the Redwood Park. All six of us. Let me get the cast of characters here. Shanti, Wookie, Rennick, Ian, and Chad. We're shrooming at the park. Rennick broke out all this mushroom on the hood of his car and we all munched a little. Not that much.

     7:52pm  We are out here at the playground at the park. I ran into Dave, that I had told me story to at the donut shop. Maybe it was a different guy, I don't know. Oh yeah, I ate some mushrooms. This is going to be cool if it does anything.

                    I don't know what time it is. We came out to the forest and it's all dark. I'm all shrooming and it's taking me a long time to come down this hill. I'm finally at the bottom. It's so damn dark. I hope I don't get lost. Shit, I have no idea where the other guys went. Hey! Hey! Shit, I lost them.

                   That was really weird. I got lost in the park. I'm all shrooming. Hey, I got to shroom again. Oh yeah, earlier some guy told me, "You know, you got a lot of color." I said, "Thanks, I didn't plan any of it." I thought he was talking about my clothing, but he said, "I'm not talking about your clothes."

     8:30pm  I walked all the way back to the plaza and this guy has some ganja-pennies. This plastic bag full of pennies and they're all soaked in weed. He said he got them from some grower. He's like passing them out and people suck on them and get high off them. Getting high off of ganja pennies. That's crazy.

     8:35pm  Rita is telling me about Thich Nhat Hahn(look him up on the web right now). She says he's like the Gandhi of today. She recommends that anyone read his work. She said they have a whole section of his books in Buddhist stores. Rita says that reading his stuff was the most amazing experience. She says that it's all about mindfulness, consciousness and peace. I told Rita that she is welcome to share in my publicity. Rita said it was a great pleasure to meet me and that maybe I could work with Thich Nhat Hahn.

     8:45pm  Liz is hooking me up with some change to get a donut. I appreciate it, Liz. Liz asked me what kind of donut I was going to get and I told her I was saving up for an apple fritter. Her friend asked what apple fritters went for these days and I said, "$1.10," and Liz got me halfway there. Oh cool, and this other guy David just walked up and asked me to watch his dog for him and he asked me if I wanted something. He's going to get me my apple fritter! I'm getting all these gifts tonight. How awesome.

                   Oh yeah, and this lady who works for Internews. Check this out. When I was asking for change, this lady stopped, gave me some change and talked to me. I told her about my plan and everything. She told me to hold on, that she was going to give me something and she started digging around in the back seat of her car. Well, check out what she gave me. She told me, "If you really like to write and you have that main goal of world peace, read this," and she handed me a folder that said Internews on it.

     9:10pm  Oh shit, I just realized that the side ran out on my tape. I missed a lot of history. Let me tell you what happened. Like half an hour ago I was standing in front of the donut shop asking for spare change for a donut. I asked this one lady and as she was getting in her car hooked me up with some change. I told her all the stuff that I was doing and she says, "Hold on, I want to give you something." She reaches into the backseat of her car and pulls out this folder. It says Internews on it and it has all these articles that I really needed to know about. It has all this current news. Talk about signs, eh? I'm going to take this back to San Antonio with me. Her name was Rita, I believe.

                   Here is what it says about Internews: "Internews is an international organization that supports open media worldwide. The company fosters independent media in emerging democracies, produces innovative television and radio programming and Internet content, and uses the media to reduce conflict within and between countries."
                   Internews programs are based on the conviction that vigorous and diverse mass media form an essential cornerstone of a free and open society. Internews projects currently span the former Soviet Union, Eastern and Western Europe, the Middle East, Southeast Asia, Africa, and the United States.
                   Based in Paris, Internews International is made up of fifteen non-governmental organizations. Its members are funded primarily by grants from foundations, governments and individuals."

                   That is from Internews's 2001 annual report.

                   Here are the titles of the articles that are also in the left side of the folder:

     "Exaggerating Russia's 'Media Mess' - The Washington Post 6/2/01
     "Europe is Letting Azerbaijan Cheat" - International Herald Tribune 3/9/01
     "Promoting the Internet around the world" - San Francisco Chronicle 7/10/01
     "Media Close Our Window Onto the World" - The Boston Globe 9/20/01
     "Putin's Message to the Media" - 1/24/02
     "Open Media, Better World" - The Washington Post 2/14/01

                   Everybody check out www.internews.org


                   On the right side of the folder there is a Spring 2002 Internews Report and a November 2002 Internews Bulletin labeled, "Regional TV Shines at Russian Emmys."

                   Umm, it seems like I have more reading to do than just my Third Wave book. It's September 23 today and I'm typing this up. I have procrastinated at looking through that folder until now. I am going to make it a point to read this stuff.

                   Umm, I just got the idea to email the webmaster of internews.org with this entry to my journal. Let's see if anything happens. webinfo@internews.org and info@internews.org

                   Let me finish typing up this day before I send the email.

     9:15pm  I was sitting here reading my cool Internews folder I just acquired and Carly came up to me and asked me if I liked chocolate bread. She's being nice enough to give me some. Thank you, Carly.

     9:24pm  This guy is telling me a story. His story: "This could be true or not, but I heard there was this cop busting a kid for acid down here. Instead of getting busted, the kid just blew 10,000 hits of crystallized LSD right in the cop's face. They took the cop off the beat and put him on a horse. I guess he's been out in the woods with his horse ever since.
                   The protocol for when a cop gets accidentally dosed is that they have to handcuff themselves to their automobile and throw their guns out of their reach, so they can't be a danger to themselves or anybody else."

     10:13pm  Caleb smoked a brother out. I appreciate it, brother.

     10:50pm  Me and some kids walked over to these picnic benches and we're going to smoke some marijuana.

     11:07pm  I'm over here talking to Caleb and he's telling me there's a walking trail all the way from Mexico to Canada! It's called the Pacific Crest Trail.

     11:28pm  We all got stoned at the picnic table. Veronica and the dog and that dude are going to come crash with me in the barn. I'm going to make this barn famous. Cool.

     11:30pm  Ronnie just hooked me up with a cigarette. I appreciate it, Ronnie.

     11:56pm  I'm still waiting for that girl with the dog and the guy. I told them to meet me in the plaza. Where are they?

     12:34pm  We have arrived at my magical barn.

Next day..

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