Arcata, CA

Wednesday September 3, 2003

     7:17am  I have a little update to make. Last night I didn't know where I was going to crash. I stayed up at the plaza. I'm not squatting with Tim anymore, he got on my nerves. See, last night I took off walking to where I've crashed this one time, right behind that tall fence on Samoa. I found those railroad tracks that I'd crashed at last night with Micah and everybody. I was walking down the tracks and I heard someone talking in the bushes, like way before I got to the spot I crashed at last night. It's these other homeless dudes chilling in this cool little clearing under some concealing trees. What were your names again? Nomad and Jack. These brothers just accepted me into their squat. I am welcome here. I really appreciate it. Thanks again, guys. That's very generous of you.

     8:25am  I've been walking for some time now and I just realized I've been walking the wrong way. I passed the marsh and I was all, "Man, I could've sworn this is the right way to town." I walked the wrong way for like half a mile. That's alright. I'm going to go back. Oh well, I'll be stronger now because I'm walking more.

                   I'm passing the marsh and I think I'm going to go walking on the trails. It's a nice morning.

     8:52am  I finally found my way and when I was walking past the Safeway, I decided I'd go and have breakfast. I had a little change in my pocket. Enough for a Ramen soup and a cup of hot water. I had 43 cents in my pocket. It's 33 cents for the soup and 25 cents for a cup of water. I didn't have enough for the water so I thought, "Hmm, I'm just going to buy the soup and try my luck getting a free cup of water. Actually, I had eleven cents left over. I walked over to the service deli. The manager, Ed Sowa, was there with the cashier girl managing. I asked the girl, "Hey, can I get a cup of hot water for eleven cents?" She told her manager, "He wants a cup of water for only eleven cents." The manager looked at me and said, "Alright, that's cool. He can have it." The manager saw me holding my Ramen soup and he probably didn't want to deprive me of breakfast. That was cool. I called that right from the beginning.

     8:55am  I'm out here munching on my Ramen noodles. I had some MuscleBlast 2000 this morning with those guys, but it's always good to have some solid food in your stomach. I forgot their names. I have it recorded, so I've got their names. I'm a little late for school. I was supposed to be there at 7:30am. It's almost 9 now. I'll probably get there around 9:15 or something. That's alright. I deserve breakfast this morning.

     9:20am  I'm walking to the college to go type up my shit. Another seven days.

     9:25am  I'm walking to the school and I just passed a bumper sticker that says, "The best things in life aren't things." 

     9:38am  I'm coming up on the library.

     11:20am  I am leaving the library to walk to the Endeavor and get some food.

     11:36am  I'm at the Endeavor now. There's a big line.

     12:35am  I just finished eating at the Endeavor. I had a good meal. I didn't know the name of the food, so I asked the lady sitting next to me, "Hey, what would you call this if you were going to call it something?" She told me it was Shepherd's Pie.

                     Oh yeah, I came outside of the Endeavor to the bus station to smoke a cigarette. These two other homeless kids listened to me at first. One told me, "Oh, it's not going to be just one." If they would've just listened to me, all of their questions would've been answered. They doubted me so much, they wouldn't let me get one word in. I raised my voice and told them, "My actions are a means to an end." Damn the ignorance in this world. You see, people need to realize that I am compiling an accurate state of the union. Nothing but the truth. When my shit gets out there, it'll show everyone how ignorant everybody is. It will be proof, evidence. It'll be awesome.

                     Geba, Ian and me are going to go smoke some marijuana somewhere. Ian is the guy with the bagpipes.

     1:05pm  Geba gave me some stuff to chew on. It looks like straw. What is it again? Slippery Elm bark. That's all it is. It's just the bark from a tree and it's used to aid sore throats.

                   Geba wanted to contribute a song to my book. Geba: "This is my walking song from Southern bayou Florida going North called Walking Song, by Geba one tone of God. SON-G. G-E-B-A means thank you, God. "Ohm-elam-ziamz-zeeeyeohen-geodi. Dun-did walk down mosquito pass. Oh my heart did die elam. My soul went to sleep, iamz. My spirit shut its eyes, ziamz. God said, "Get on up. Let's do 'dis dance. Get on up, let's do 'dis dance. Geba, one tone of God."

     1:35pm  I am walking to the school finally. I'm going to stay there all night.

     1:48pm  I'm walking to HSU from where I was. I'm already on the right side of the highway, so it's a good thing. I walked in the entrance past the big sign that says, "Humboldt State University" and now I found a place to piss near it. This might be a longer walk than taking the access road, but I don't care. I've never been this way before. It's interesting. I want to see the rest of this beautiful campus. Hell, it's my school. I'm going to be an alumni. Like I say, I am attending the Great School of Reality. I've got a perfect 4.0 GPA and when I bring world peace, I'm going to graduate.

                   With honors.

     5:03pm  Man, this pisses me off. I spent hours typing this one day up. I had elaborated on it, perfecting it. I was almost done when all of a sudden, the browser flashes away. It just cancelled itself out. I lost all the revisions. Ooh, that pisses me off. It was a stupid glitch. You can't trust anything. That just goes to prove that not even computers are perfect. They are man-made machines. This place closes at 11:45pm. I'm pissed off because that happened, so I'm going to go into town. I'm going to try and get smoked out then come back. I don't want to sit there and type up all the same stuff again. I might do it tomorrow.

     5:04pm  Lisa is hooking me up with a cigarette outside of the library. I appreciate it, Lisa.

     5:27pm  Man, I just jumped in with my stuff on Lisa. She was instantly captivated and heard all my stuff. She was so moved, she even offered to give me this yummy, all-natural tofu sandwich.

     5:46pm  I'm sitting here smoking my after-meal cigarette Lisa gave me. Lisa is a sweetheart, not to mention beautiful. She gave me this really good vegetarian tofu sandwich. I like Lisa. She told me she's got a walking stick, too. I want to marry Lisa, hehe. Wishful thinking.

     6:06pm  I walked back into town and guess who I just ran into. That one guy who had overheard me call myself Spanging Prophet on Telegraph(8-23-03, 12:55pm). He's made it up to Arcata.

     6:24pm  I walked over to the Safeway, called Issa and she didn't answer. It's hot. The sun came out. I changed out of my army pants.

     6:45pm  I was walking from the Round Table Pizza where I used the phone. I was going to walk to the plaza and look for somebody to smoke me out. Then, this guy Todd, who I met in Berkeley(or so he says, I don't remember him(8-11-03, 1:43pm), I ask him, "Hey, do you have any marijuana?" He goes, "Yeah, I've got a little bit." He just bought a $100 bag and is hooking me up with a couple of hits in front of the Safeway. So, now that I'm stoned I am going back to the school and keep typing my stuff. I can't let earlier with the computer get me down. I'm not going to quit. I have to take advantage of the place closing at 11:45pm. Damn, I can get so much done. Just think. I have five hours until then. Five or six. It'll be awesome. I'm going to get my stuff typed up quick, then I can leave. I want to go back to Socorro. I want to go back to Truth or Consequences. I want to go back to Tularosa. I want to go back to Roswell. I want to go back to Ruidoso. Man, I'm going to take my time going back.

     7:11pm  I am back at the computer.

     7:32pm  I just wrote Thad a big long email. I'm going back to Berkeley soon, I guess.

     11:35pm  I just spent like ten minutes in the bathroom. Damn, I was on the computer all day. From like 7:30pm to now.

                     I'm tired and what sucks is I'm far. I wish I could find a place to crash close by.

     11:59pm  I went and stood in front of the donut shop and James hooked me up with some change for a donut. I appreciate it, bro.

     12:24am  I went over to The Alibi to bum a cigarette. It seems that since I am doing good work at the library, I re-did that whole paper and made it real good and spiffy, it seems like I am getting gifts, I guess. Because right when I got outside, there was barely anybody around, the first guy kids who walked in I asked for some spare change for an apple fritter. The guy said, "Yeah!" He goes inside with his friends and there were no apple fritters. He comes back out and asks me, "What's your next choice?" I got me one of those sixty five cent chocolate covered donuts with nuts sprinkled on top. It was yummy. Then, right then this dude walked by and asked, "Does anyone want a box of fries?" and he gave me a whole box of fries. I was hoping it was that same guy who gave us those cheese fries the other night, but they weren't cheese fries. They were still mmm-mmm good. I couldn't eat them all. There were lots of them, so I went to the plaza and gave them away. The guy I gave them too said they were good and I asked him for a cigarette. He didn't, but he let me take a couple hits off of his.

Next day..

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