Arcata, CA

Thursday September 4, 2003

     7:15am  I had a good morning. It wasn't that cold this morning. I crashed out at the same place I had crashed out that one night by the railroad tracks with Micah and stuff. This dude with a little puppy was already crashed there. I found a place right next to him and crashed out. His dog is so adorable. He's so playful. He's just a little puppy. It's owner is seventeen years old and he's never been here before. He just got back from Berkeley and he told me the Bing Wong Wash Center shut down. Like people aren't allowed to crash there anymore. They told everyone there was a maximum of ten people allowed to sleep there, but thirty people were showing up. So now nobody can. That was my bedroom in Berkeley. I'll see what I can do when I go back.

     7:19am  I just passed the Safeway again. I had forty cents in my pocket, so I decided to go get another Ramen noodle thing. I don't have enough for a cup of water, so let's see if they'll hook me up again.

                   Ah, I decided against the Ramen. I don't have a cigarette and that's the best part. Smoking a cigarette to the broth left over. I'm just going to go to the library and eat some of my Muscle Blast 2000, type up my days and come at 11:30am for lunch at the Endeavor.

     7:40am  I'm at the library. I'll go to the bathroom, take a shit, eat some MuscleBlast 2000, brush my teeth and go get to work. I'm on my way to save the world.

     11:19am  I'm going to go eat. I got a lot of stuff done today. I'm all the way on August 16th. It's only the third today, I think. I was walking out of the library. I was kind of in a hurry, because I wanted to get there soon. I passed by this guy and he told me, "Hey, great stick." I told him thank you.

     11:29am  I'm sitting here in front of the Endeavor waiting to eat. Michael was generous enough to give me his last cigarette behind his ear. I appreciate it, brother.

     11:45am  Tim just came up to me. He got all his shit stolen in the plaza. He got woken up by a cop at his camp last night. He's had enough. He's bookin' it to Colorado today.

     11:55am  Yet another guy recognized me from Berkeley. That's awesome.

     12:22pm  Enell hooked me up with a cigarette. I appreciate it, brother.

     12:25pm  I just finished eating and bummed a cigarette. I don't know what I'm going to do. Maybe I'll go try to get smoked out. Nah, I'll go type up my stuff instead. That's what I'll do. After I finish my cigarette.

                     Oh yeah, The Endeavor served lamb today for dinner. Lamb, it was damn good lamb.

     12:31pm  I'm walking back to the school. I've got a world to save.

     12:35pm  I'm stopping to take a piss among these trees.

     4:20pm  I spent a lot of time, well not that much time, typing up my stuff and I lost it all again, damnit. It cancelled out by itself again. I had already done shitloads of days, but the one it blanked out on I hadn't gotten too far on. But, according to what time it is, I need a break. I'm going to go into town and see if I can get smoked out. Then, I'll come back and finish up my shit. I don't have that much left. I'm like right before I leave Berkeley. I left on a Sunday and I'm on the Saturday before I left Berkeley. I've been in Arcata for about thirteen days, I think. I have to count again.

     4:23pm  I'm getting compliments up the wazoo. Right before I came into the library somebody complimented my hat and this girl, when I walked out just complimented it again. I like my hat.

     4:55pm  I didn't get anybody to smoke me out. I was bored again, so I walked over to the Safeway to call Issa. I want to know what's going on with her and her boyfriend, just to see if things are alright. I'm not trying to bust a mack or anything, just being a friend. Last time I talked to her she seemed pretty broken up and I told her if she needed to vent that she could count on me. I also told her I wasn't sure when I was leaving town, so she told me when I find out to let her know, in case she needs to talk or something. She wasn't home and didn't answer. But, I don't want to walk all the way back to school. I know, I'll go ask around to see if someone has needle and thread. I need to fix my backpack.

     5:33pm  Justin hooked me up with a cigarette. I appreciate it, brother. It'll come back to you.

     6:00pm  Back at the library.

     9:29pm  I had a very productive time on the computer. I'm glad I went back and redid the stuff. I am already in Arcata in my typing, and I've only been in Arcata for twelve days. Which means pretty soon I'm going to have it all typed up. Like in a couple days I could be totally caught up. That's going to be so awesome. It's exciting even. I just got to Arcata, the day Issa drove me. I was typing that up. I counted and I was in Berkeley for thirty days. A whole month. Which means every single detail of that whole month is in my logs. Get to know me, world. I truly am an open book. I still have until 11:45 to keep typing, if I want. But, I think I deserve to go socialize a little. I was kind of down before I went to the library. Let's see if I get smoked out this time, but like the Ween song says, "If I choose to help you, don't look like you expect it. Because it's a gift that God gave me at birth." So if it happens, I rather it be a surprise. Oh yeah, earlier that dude Justin I got a cigarette from, when I told him, "I'm writing a book on generosity the whole world is going to read, and you're in it," he was all impressed just from that. He's all, "That's an art form." You're damn straight it is. I am an artiste, hehe.

     9:40pm  Espen has agreed to give me a cigarette. Thank you, brother.

     10:25pm  Carscen was generous enough to give me a cigarette. He's the only Norwegian in Arcata, as far as he knows.

     10:48pm  I didn't get smoked out in the plaza, it sucks. This idiot, some drug dealer had all this weed by the trash can. He was telling everybody, "Show me the money, that's what talks." He's all trying to be a hardcore gangster drug dealer. It was funny, he's some scrawny white dude all acting tough talking shit to everybody like we are supposed to fear him or something. Little does he know I'm going to put him out of business soon. Everybody.

     11:05pm  I walked out to the railroad tracks. Now, the cops busted some kids sleeping out here last night. I had seen the ones they busted. When I walked here last night, I saw these dudes all sprawled out on the actual tracks. I must have been in a secure place, because they didn't wake me up last night. So, I've come back to the same spot. It's not on a trail. You walk through the grass to get to it. Maybe that's why the cops didn't find me this morning. They didn't give out tickets, just warnings. If they catch them again, they'll give them a ticket. I'm thinking since they gave me a warning the first night I was here, it might be a ticket if they find me again. But, even if it is a ticket I'm just going to skip town soon anyway. As soon as I catch up typing my stuff up. Later on.

     3:05am  It started drizzling and I sat up and put my rain poncho on. I was hoping it would stop raining, but it didn't and I couldn't fall asleep sitting up. I was like, "Shit, I didn't get enough sleep and it's raining. I can't stay up until morning. I need a roof." Well, the first night I crashed there I noticed there was a big, antique abandoned barn out in the field close by. I had already wanted to check it out, but never had. Well, since it was raining and it was the closest roof around, I'm walking out there.

                   I've moved myself to the old barn in the field. I can't believe I'm in here and not scared or anything. But, I hear some animal screaming/growling right outside. It's freaky. It's too dark to tell what it is. I'm just hoping it's not going to come near me. I'm just going to lie down. Man, this place is truly spacious. I don't see why people don't always crash in here. Okay, I got a roof over my head. I'm going to go to bed.

Next day..

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