San Antonio, TX

Thursday June 9, 2005

     7:00am  I just woke up.

     9:38am  I just came out of the dentist. Damnit, they couldn't pull my tooth either. That sucks. They were all, "Oh no, we'd rather repair it. But we can refer you to an oral surgeon." They called the oral surgeons and they could do it whenever. But they would charge me $235 for it. Screw that. I called my mom and I told her that and she said no way. I guess I'll get it taken out while I'm in California. I don't know. I got a free x-ray though.

                   The dentist place wasn't too far away. It's over on Mainland and Guilbeau. I'm going to walk down to the EZ Mart and see if they still have this rainbow bracelet I saw there the other day. I'll get spare change for it, hehe.

     10:17am  I went to the EZ Mart and they didn't have any bracelets left. As I was walking out I saw the 606 coming headed to the Citgo by my mom's. I ran and missed it, but before I knew it, this nice man Iran Yamez stopped and asked me if I needed a ride. Te lo agradezco, señor. Todo el mundo recibe crédito, gracias.

     10:20am  I'm at the Citgo. Man, that was awesome! Right after I missed the bus by the EZ Mart this Mexican dude pulled over in his car and gave me a ride! He saw that I was running for the bus. Hehe, I was going to ask for a courtesy ride anyway. I did get a courtesy ride, hehe. He gave me a ride to the Citgo.

     10:36am  Oh yeah, I had called my mom from the EZ Mart. I'm already home. She told me, "Victor, you've got to do me this favor. You're going to the dentist." I straight up told her, "Mom, I am leaving on the 14th whether you like it or not." She said, "Well, I'm going to see if you can have your tooth fixed before then." I told her, "Mom, do you think you can get me a root canal in five days? You think you can get it done tomorrow? Because if it's anything that keeps me from leaving on the 14th, I'm not going to do it." She told me, "Do this for me." I told her, "Mom, if you can get me a root canal before the 14th, I'll do it." She told me, "Not a root canal. A filling." That was music to my ears. I originally thought that was all I needed, a simple filling. At the Christian Dental Clinic a while back I think they told me I couldn't have it filled. I thought my only options were root-canal or extraction.

     12:06pm  I'm leaving for the Citgo. I have to go donate plasma today.

     12:20pm  There's the bus. I got eighty cents from my little nephew.

     1:12pm  I'm talking to Molly Anderson at the bus stop. She got on over by Marshall, I thought she was a student since she had a backpack. I told her my story and smoked her our at the hospital. What's your email? n2sk8boyz@hotmail.com

                   Molly has a beautiful chest, hehe.

     1:42pm  I had a good time with Molly. She got on the bus over by Eckhert, over by where I tagged it and it disappeared. When she got on the bus she was carrying this little Misfits lunchbox. She looked all gutter-punk, kind of. Oh yeah, she had a great chest. Some good cleavage. Before we got to the hospital I was telling this lady in a wheelchair about how I was going to get marijuana legalized and I saw Molly smirk. When we got to the hospital I asked Molly if she wanted a drag off my "cigarette." We smoked some weed at the bench by the bike lockers. She even rolled a joint. Her beautiful eyes were locked on mine through my whole story. Oh so attentive. She loved it. And right after that I saw my cute friend Stephanieann. I'm hanging out with her now.

     1:50pm  I got on the 92. I have lots of transfers. Lots of Q's.

     2:17pm  I just got off the bus on Fredericksburg. Before Santa Fe. I'm going to walk to Cristan's and see if Bruno will hook me up.

     2:23pm  Damn, Cristan's is closed. They're supposed to close at three.

     2:54pm  The line was all big and I changed my mind. I'll donate tomorrow. They said I could come back Monday too, but I'm not going to. Monday is the eve of before I leave. I'm going to go downtown. The Texas Folklife Festival starts today. I'm going downtown. I'll make an appearance.

     3:12pm  The 92.

                   The bus got all packed and I said screw it. I'll just walk it. I'm not that far. Just on the other side of the highway from downtown.

     3:36pm  Oh yeah, on the bus right now one guy named Steve got on. He had his name on his shirt. He tells me, "Man, I see you everywhere with that stick." I asked him if I could tell him what I was doing. I tried to tell him, but in the end he was all, "You should get your shit together."

     3:47pm  Travis Park.

     4:21pm  I have a good transfer I'm going to try and trade for some spare change for a hotdog. Oh yeah, Rose offered me a cigarette without me even asking her. I appreciate it, Rose.

     4:23pm  Daniel, who I met at the ZLB. He hooked me up with some change for a hotdog. I appreciate it, brother.

     4:26pm  The coolest shit. This black dude traded me a dollar for my transfer. I got me a hotdog from greedy ass James. He didn't hook me up with chili and cheese like the owner always does.

                   Oh yeah, my friend Cecilia showed up. The one who braided my goatee a while back(5-16-05, 12:40pm). She braided it again and I gave her a hit of weed. Perfect. She makes a lot of money from braiding hair. Hmm, I want to tell somebody my story.

                   I was waiting out these two pretty girls while they were getting a hotdog. Then CC showed up and braided my goatee and I lost the pretty girls.

     5:18pm  Guess who I ran into. I saw this pretty girl sitting down where the buses stop. I walked over to tell her my story. I walked up and she went, "Hey, I remember you!" It was Desiree(3-28-05, 7:53pm) and her mom Thelma Ann. She's the girl that brought me to her apartment and had me tell all these people my story. That night when I ended up at Randolph Park and Ride. I'll look that up. I was standing telling her mom my story and Desiree up and hooked me up with like half a joint! I appreciate it, Desiree.

     5:37pm  Brian hooked me up with a cigarette at Travis Park. I appreciate it, brother.

     5:51pm  I'm talking to Brian. I followed him on the #3 bus. What was your email? dfrayser@mail.sac.accd.edu

     5:54pm  Suggestion by Brian. Download Afluenza off the Internet.

     6:15pm  See I almost followed Desiree back to her apartment where I went last March, just for the sake of finishing my story with Thelma Ann. At the last minute I changed my mind. Then I bummed a cigarette off of Brian and he invited me over to a bar. I ended up at some Atomik bar close to SAC. McCullough and Dewey. The place was empty when we got there. Oh yeah, the girl who worked there knew me! She recognized me from Travis Park. Her name is Jo. She hooked me up with a couple drinks. I played a couple games of pool with Brian. That was fun. I'm going to make my way back home. I'm walking back towards SAC.

                   I was walking right in front of SAC and I hear somebody calling me, "Victor!" It's Justin from Oaklawn. He's walking with Blade.

     7:59pm  I'm on the bus. On the 91. I saw this hippie-lookin' lady in the back. She had a cool handkerchief on her head. She commented on my stick right when I got on the bus, so I thought she would make a good listener. Boy, was I wrong. This lady was ignorant as hell. Thanks for proving me right, grandma. You can just wait to hear about it when the rest of the world does.

                   Before I could tell her my mission objectives she told me I had to read some stupid ass Spurs shirt she was wearing. Like a give a damn. Spurs shmurs.

                   This lady is short. Like a munchkin.

                   She had been telling me, "I am so much older than you, blah, blah, blah." I told her, "Experience is what really teaches. Age is just a number. Anyone can grow old."

                   I have had such a good day. A lot of publicity on the bus right now. I was standing there yelling back and forth with that lady. When I was trying to get all my mission-objectives out and she was interrupting my constantly, I made it a point to yell at the top of my lungs, "And I'm going to get MARIJUANA legalized and chill everybody out!"

                   I'm on my way home now. I have work to do on the computer.

                   That girl Desiree told me the Folk Fest was going on in Kerrville. That's an awesome way to start this year's odyssey. I'm going to see if my mom will give me a ride to Kerrville.

     8:18pm  Tamara hooked me up with fifteen cents for a transfer on the bus. I appreciate it, sister. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

     9:26pm  I have to make an update. I'm already over on Cinnamon Creek. I got off the bus with this girl I met, Tamara. I started telling her my story on the 91 right before it got to the hospital. She listened with the most beautiful eyes. She had this southern twang and she reminded me of Kati from Arcata. I was diggin' on this girl and she seemed to be flirting back. I was hoping she would invite me over to her apartment. I asked her if I could get off at her stop so I could finish telling her my Brewster County Jail story. In the end she excused herself. She had to take her dog out. I guess I'm going to walk home from here. I can stop by my sister's apartment and see if she's there.

                   I walked all the way to Babcock and Eckhert. I'm at the Diamond Shamrock here. I'm going to see if they have a phone I can borrow.

                   My mom didn't answer her phone. I'm going to walk to my sister's place and see if she's home. She's probably at my mom's house on the computer. I hope I can remember where her apartment is.

                   I just came out of my sister's apartment. I woke her up. She told me that my mom was at church. I'm going to keep walking home. I'll walk out to Huebner and cut behind that church to Bluebird Lane, behind Marshall. I'll call my mom from the Walmart on Bandera and Mainland.

                   I just walked to the Faith Assembly of God church, where that trail is behind.

     10:28pm  I'm walking through Marshall High School right now.

     10:42pm  The greedy asses at the Citgo on Bandera and Eckhert. I went in there and asked the Habib kid if I could use the phone. He smiled real big and asked his father. His father directed me to the payphone and told me, "It's a company phone." I told him, "That's bullshit. You're just a greedy ass!"

     10:56pm  I'm at the Walmart.

     11: 03pm  Oh yeah, I finally called my dear mother from the Walmart. She answered her cellphone. When she answered I asked her, "Where are you?" She told me she was far from me, so I told her it was cool. That I could walk home." She said, "No, I can pick you up." I asked her, "Where are you," and she told me she was over by Potranco at some Spurs get-together with her friends, that I would have to wait like twenty minutes."

                      I told her she didn't have to pick me up, to stay and have fun with her friends. She seemed all eager to. Like she wanted to. I finally told her, "Okay, that'd be great, mom. Thanks a lot. I love you."

                      I'm kind of worried. I'm going to leave pretty soon. There's still some stuff I need to get. I'm just not sure what it is. I need blank CD's. I need to get my stuff typed up. I've decided I'm not going to go donate plasma on Monday. I'll go donate plasma tomorrow and get my last thirty bucks from that.

                      I got the weed covered, it should last for a while.

     11:30pm  I'm home.

Next day..

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