Arcata, CA

Tuesday September 30, 2003

     8:05am  I woke up at 7:30am. Jose woke me up. Benson is up and Geba slept in the barn last night. He slept under the leaning wall in the back.

     8:40am  Benson is letting me have another cigarette. He's always hooking me up. I gave him a hug the other day and thanked him for all the smokes.

     9:05am  Me and Jonathan are walking into town. Oh yeah, Jonathan shaved his afro. He doesn't look that much like Buckwheat anymore. He still kind of does.

     9:32am  I'm walking to The Endeavor. Hopefully Sandy didn't call in sick again and is working today. I'm going to get my glasses, or find out about them at least.

     9:45am  I came over to The Endeavor and saw Brad. I last saw Brad with the other Brad at Bayshore Mall. Right now he asked me, "Hey, you want to smoke a joint?" I told him sure, so we're smoking right here in front of The Endeavor.

     9:57am  Dude, that sucks. I talked to Sandy about my glasses. She told me she hadn't heard anything yet. That the request had to go to some committee for approval. Let's see what happens.

     10:02am  I'm at The Endeavor. I went to the red curb to ask for a cigarette. Nobody had one. I came back and Mark hooked me up. A Marlboro Red, awesome. Thanks, man.

     10:11am  I'm walking to Long's Drugs. I got ten dollars. I'm going to buy a camera. Then, I'll go spange up a donut. Then I'll go eat at The Endeavor.

                     At The Endeavor earlier, this guy walked out and handed out all these slices of good pizza. He said he had just found them, that someone had donated them. They're all cold, but still good.

     10:13am  I'm almost at Long's Drugs. I'm hoping that the cameras are still on sale for ten dollars. I think I saw a thing that said the sale ended on the 27th. If so, I hope they have some replacement for that sale, to compensate for that good deal I found.

                     I've got ten dollars exactly and some change. I'm going to see how much two cameras are. Maybe I'm just going to get one. I don't know. Then, I'll have a whole five dollars to use.

     10:20am  I just got me one camera. That sucks. I got a five dollar bill. I just didn't have the change. They are $5.35 per camera. $10.70 for two. I only had like forty cents, so I just got one. I was hoping the guy would be cool and hook me up, but he didn't. I gave him exact change. $5.35. Luckily, they were still on sale. Now, I'm armed with a camera in my pocket.

     10:25am  I just passed this crazy guy, Mike. He walked up to me, took these little scissors out of his pocket and asked me, "You got one of these? Tomorrow is the first day of October." Umm, alright. I just kept walking. I'm going to spange up a donut.

     10:29am  I'm going to take a picture of myself in the reflection of this van here in front of the donut shop.

                     Right after I took that picture this dude walked by. I asked him if he could spare some change for a donut. He said, "Yeah, I'll get you a donut."

     10:52am  Dave, the guy who bought me a donut listened to most of my story. He had to go, though. I don't know what he had to do. He told me, but I forgot. When he left, he told me, "Thanks for sharing your story. I wish you luck." Badass.

     11:15am  I just realized I got to the end of that side and it wasn't recording anymore. Remember the tape I need to type up is the purple tape. The purple Radio Shack MC-60 tape. I'm in the donut shop now. Oh yeah, the guy who bought me a donut listened to a lot of my stuff. I read my Future Shock book for a little bit, and now I'm going to The Endeavor. It's 11:15am and they feed at 11:30am. I'll go eat, then head to the school to type up my stuff.

     11:20am  I was looking for a cigarette before I ate at The Endeavor and Ariel was nice enough to let me roll a cigarette. I appreciate it, Ariel.

     11:32am  Badass, I told this girl Ariel my platform. She listened attentively to it. I blew her mind.

     12:10pm  I'm walking to the school.

     12:23pm  I just took a picture of all the steps I have to go up to get up to the library.

     12:24pm  I just ran into some student who's talked to me before. He was all, "Wow man, it's great to run into you." I told him, "Thanks, I'm still working on it."

     12:27pm  Jerry just hooked me up with a cigarette in front of the library. I appreciate it, Jerry.

     6:17pm  I just finished up on the computer. I typed up two whole days. I copied a lot of stuff out of my Third Wave book. Almost the whole last chapter. Now, I'm going to go get a donut. I gotta take a shit first.

     6:20pm  I went to go take a piss at the bathroom at the library and it occurred to me, "Oh shit, I need a new tennis ball for my stick." I'm going to go get me one.

     6:50pm  I finally found the tennis courts. No one was playing when I got there. I was a bit bummed because that's where I usually get a ball, from someone playing. I scanned the inside of the courts and didn't see any. So, I walked around the edge of the fence and eventually found two.

     6:58pm  I'm walking back. I'm at the footbridge now.

     7:10pm  I made it to the plaza. I'm going to go take a shit at the Jacoby's Storehouse.

     7:30pm  I just got out of Jacoby's Storehouse. I used the restroom there. It was cool, right when I walked in these two other kids were walking to the back elevator, which I take to the third floor to use the bathroom. One of them turned around and asked me, "Hey, how's your book coming?" I totally didn't recognize him and told him, "Great, I'm coming back from the school now." These two blonde kids. They didn't look homeless or anything. But, they knew about it. This whole town does.

     7:35pm  I went up and used the restroom. I came back out into the plaza and asked anyone if they had a blade. This dude hooked me up and I'm putting a new ball on my stick. I'm going to go spange up a donut. I'm hungry.

     7:53pm  I ran into Chimney who smoked us out last night in the bus. He asked me what I was doing. I told him I was spare changing trying to round up enough for a donut. He asked me how much I had. I told him I didn't have anything. He said, "Well, looks like your shit out of luck." He asked me, "Do you remember me from last night?" I told him, "Yeah, you have that bus and you smoked us out. Do you have anything else to smoke?" We just got back to his bus right now and he's going to smoke me out again. I appreciate it, brother.

     8:01pm  Since neither me or Chimney had a light, we're going to go walk around.

     8:15pm  I desperately needed a lighter so I could smoke some weed and Lena was nice enough to give me a lighter in front of the Co-op. Lena just said, "I gave you a dollar the other day and you didn't put me in there." Well, you're in there now.

     8:16pm  The girl I got the lighter from told me, "Hey, you told me a story at the Earth First rally." I love running into people who know about me. Well, I got a lighter now and I'm going to go smoke some weed.

     8:19pm  Chimney just asked me if I wanted to split some mushrooms!

     9:01pm  I'm standing in front of the donut shop and Bob just gave me a cigarette. I appreciate it, bro. Right after I made that entry, Bob's girl said, "Man, you just wrecked it for me. When we were going to walk inside I was going to say we should buy him a donut."

                   Bob and Anna also bought me a chocolate buttermilk donut. Awesome.

     9:10pm  I'm bored and dizzy. I'm kind of shrooming and I smoked too much tobacco. I'm going to head off to the barn. I'm tired.

Another logging for this day

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