Arcata, CA

Saturday September 27, 2003

     10:45am  I woke up around 9:30am at the party house. I actually slept on a mattress last night. I was the only person on it. I woke up and used the restroom. I took a piss and a shit and came out and there was a bowl of trim on the bed. I came outside to the back yard. The neighbors are out moving a big heavy refrigerator and they offered us some cigarettes for helping them with the fridge. We were all put to good use and we got ours. We got a couple cigarettes, and we're high off of trim.

     10:54am  Mud is all tripping out. Somebody last night, while he was sleeping shaved one of his eyebrows off. They painted his fingers all these different colors and put shit in his hair. He's all cut up. He grabbed a big fencepost and he's ready to hit someone, now.

     11:06am  I just took a picture of myself in the mirror, upstairs at the party house.

     11:17am  We are all getting in the bus, now.

                     Picture of me in Tree's bus.

                     Picture of all us kids on Tree's bus.


     11:30am  They just reminded me to be sure to include in my logs that Mud got all trashed. He got toothpaste in his butt-crack. He got his eyebrow shaved. He got shit put in his hair. He got his fingertips painted. Now, he's changing on the bus.

     11:41am  We are back in Arcata.

     11:55am  I was in front of the donut shop spanging for a donut, and Penny Lynn Dunn just bought me an apple fritter. That's badass.

                     They're having the Saturday morning farmer's market in the plaza. There are all these people.

                     Penny is even getting me a thing of milk. How awesome. She poked her head out of the donut shop and asked me, "Do you want something to drink, also?"

     12:10am  Badass, I had a great meeting with Penny. She even gave me a couple bucks, too. She told me about some dude that she knows who is a web designer and who is waiting for a project like mine. She gave me his email address and everything(mitchpotts@yahoo.com). She was with this guy and she took three pictures of me. She told me, "These people don't know who you are." I even gave my camera to the guy and he took a picture of Penny and I. And she bought me a donut and a milk.

     12:36am  I came back to the donut shop and Texas, this girl I met at The Raven House one night just hooked me up with a donut. Awesome.

     12:40am  I needed a light for my cigarette and I asked this dude smoking if he could give me one. He told me, "I don't have a light." I asked him if I could see his cigarette real quick and he told me no. Greedy bastard.

     1:00pm  I just went to the Pacific Paradise store and bought me a brass one-hitter again. For $7.51. Good thing I held onto that five dollar bill that minor chick gave me last night for buying her and her friends alcohol.

     1:02pm  I just ran into Rasta John who I met the first time I was in Arcata, like six months ago. I remembered he hooked me up with some bud. It's a small world.

     1:05pm  Matt just gave me a cigarette. Everybody gets credit in my game.

     1:12pm  I'm bored, so I'm walking to HSU and I'm going to type up my stuff.

     5:39pm  I just finished typing up my stuff at the school. Actually the time is about 5:55pm right now. The library is closing. They turned the lights off. I was typing up my scripts so I could email that guy Penny suggested. I have to cut it short. I saved a draft, so I'll finish it later on, tomorrow.

     6:03pm  I'm leaving the library. Man, I really need a lighter. I'm going to check this post for a cigarette.

     6:13pm  I'm walking from the school. I just got to the footbridge here and I ran into Walking Tree(9-13-03, 6:05pm). He gave me a little sage. I asked him, "What do I do with this?" He told me to just burn it, that it will purify me. It smells good and I'm pure, hopefully.

                   Somebody wrote on the footbridge with chalk, "Forgiveness Heals." It sure does.

                   "Know yourself."

     6:45pm  I just found out Tree was the one who shaved Mud's eyebrow.

     7:00pm  Sunshine and friends are smoking me out over by the trashcan across the street from the plaza. I appreciate it, Sunshine.

     7:32pm  I just realized I had three bucks on me. I'm going to go get a Hornsby's. Hell yeah.

     7:36pm  I just bought me a beer. A Hornsby's Draft cider. Alcoholic apple juice.

     7:45pm  Man, I'm always running into people I've forgot I've met and talked to. I just ran into Mark. He told me I had talked to him for a long time. I told him about the barn and he was all, "Wow." I told him how I had all these pictures of it and it was going to be on my webpage. It's going to be awesome.

     7:50pm  Sheryl just gave me a cigarette. I appreciate it, sister. And her friend just picked up my stick for me.

     7:57pm  I got a cigarette and I'm talking to the Sarah's. One with an h at the end and one without. I'm going to tell them my story and blow their minds, hehe.

     9:13pm  Randi asked me to walk with her to her old camp to get her stuff and bring it to the barn. We were walking and earlier that crazy lady Sunshine hooked me up with some trim, so I asked Randi if she wanted to smoke some. We came over here to that spot by the Co-op that I like so much. Now, we're walking to go get her stuff that she has stashed far away. I'm going to help her out and she's going to bring it back to the barn. Home sweet home.

                  We've come out here all the way by where K turns into Alliance.

     10:00pm  We are walking back now. Randi's old campsite was in the woods here. We had a big obstacle course to go through to get to it. First, we had to jump this little stream. I was all paranoid I was going to get my foot wet, since my left boot is so worn and not waterproof anymore. Then, we had to climb through these limbs to get to where their camp. It's a really inconvenient place to squat, with all the better places in Arcata. Oh, Randi is telling me how she hates the banana slugs in the morning out here. Damned banana slugs. We're walking back, now. I'm going to get me another donut on the way back. I'm hungry.

                     Donuts is what I live off out here in Arcata. I get my one square meal at The Endeavor and my donuts. That's the fuel for my mission.

     10:44pm  Taylor was nice enough to give me a cigarette. I appreciate it, Taylor.

     11:35pm  Me and Randi split up on the walk back and I finally got to the barn. Randi is already here. We have some newcomers to the barn. Some visitors. Jose and Melissa. Welcome.

     11:50pm  I went and got my foam mattress, which I stashed on the far end of the barn a couple nights ago. I put it down, threw the sleeping bag I also stashed on the foam pad and I'm crashing in the barn. Goodnight.

Next day..

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