Tonkawa to Ponca City, OK to Arkansas City, KS

Wednesday September 26, 2007

     6:46am  I woke up around six thirty.

                   I just went into the Love's truckstop and took a shit. I'm in Tonkawa, I forgot.

     8:06am  I finished washing up in the bathroom. Brushed my teeth and everything. Here at the Love's truckstop in Tonkawa. I surprised myself. I was able to scrape some resin in the bathroom.

     9:04am  I had a good presentation with the cashier. She had these pretty splotches on her hand. She told me she had nine kids. I'm taking off walking. I'm going to walk to Ponca City. I saw the billboards for it on the highway. There's a college in Ponca City. I'm not going to walk the highway. I'm going to to take the scenic route, down this street by the Love's.

                   I took a big chug of Riovida. I'm walking down Fountain Road.

     9:35am  I got to where the road tees, turning right.

     9:55am  Passing by the Welcome to Tonkawa sign. I took a picture. Northern Oklahoma College.

                   Redbud Festival, hell yeah. I need to find some trees. I need to take a piss somewhere.

                   About to pass the Salt Fork River. I'm going to take a leak on the side of the road. There are no cars coming.

     10:04am  I am going to stop in the shade in front of Rory J. Duncan's house and rest and smoke.

     11:17am  I just walked into Tonkawa. I took a rest in the shade in front of some house. Lisa, the girl from the Love's truckstop who I told my story to, she pulled over for me and she's going to give me a ride to the college, awesome. I appreciate it, Lisa. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

     11:30am  I just left the library. I was told to walk down North Street to the stoplight, but I don't see one anywhere.

     11:41am  Walking down East North Avenue. Passing the Walmart.

     11:46am  Came to the Super Clean gas station. I'm going to get a cup of ice. Then I'm going to walk to the stoplight and sit down in the shade and eat and smoke.

     12:17pm  I'm about to take off walking.

     12:24pm  I'm about to turn off Business 60 and turn right and go East 60.

     12:56pm  Passing the Chikiska River.

     1:27pm  I stopped underneath this bridge. I'm going to sit in the shade and rest. I've walked since 12:17pm straight. It's already one thirty. Like a good six or seven miles.

                    I forgot what lady gave it to me, but some lady gave me an awesome crystal. I really wish I would've logged it when she gave it to me. Email me and remind me, hehe.

     1:52pm  Man, I got all resinated under the bridge. I'm about getting ready to go now. It's not nearly as hot as San Antonio here. I like it. I got to walk in the drizzle too. It wasn't raining that bad at all. It was cool how yesterday right before I got to the Love's Becky pulled over. I was just going to put on my raingear and just stand there until the rain let off. I threw my rainpants on and my jacket. I was putting this extra raincoat I have on my pack and Becky honked. I need to manifest me a new rain cover for my pack. I lost my last one in Laytonville(5-21-07, 1:59pm).

     1:55pm  I'm back walking on the road.

     2:04pm  Passing sign that says KFC is four miles away. On 177. I think that's where Ponca City is. So I've got another hour left until I get there.

     2:55pm  Crossing Cow Skin Creek.

     3:18pm  I am about to stop and rest in the shade under Highway 156, I think. There's been no shade at all on this walk. I'm going to go under the bridge again. I've been walking my ass off.

                    The only reason I'm going to Ponca City is because I saw billboards on the highway when I was walking 35. I didn't log it when I saw it, but I saw it right when I got into Oklahoma, I think. I saw it and thought, "Man, is that a new kind of city? Like an ultra-modern city?" It better be cool, or I'll have walked all the way there for nothing. I gotta follow the signs.

     3:41pm  Up and at 'em from my rest. I've just been shifting the weight on my pack, so it'll feel better and I haven't had to stop and rest. I'm out of water too. I drank the last of it under the bridge.

                    Cool, I'm almost there. I see some tall buildings. I'm going to take a picture of them. I'm on Business 60 now.

     4:14pm  I just passed the sign that says Welcome to Ponca City. A gas station, cool. I'm going to get some water.

                    Business 60 turns left by the gas station.

                    Conoco/Phillips has a refinery here in Ponca City. The street where the gas station is at is Waverly. I think downtown is that way.

                    I asked and this town is fifteen miles away from Tonkawa. I'm seventeen miles away from the highway, 35.

     4:42pm  I bought me some water at the Conoco and I'm walking into town now. I asked the cashier if there was a creek or a lake I can jump in nearby. He told me I could score a shower at the YMCA.

     4:53pm  Coming up on Grant Street. I see a sign pointing to Downtown, Louis Center, Marland Mansion, and Pioneer Woman. Turning right to go downtown. By Lincoln Elementary School.

     4:58pm  Passing by the Ponca Lodge #82. It's got a big Illuminati-lookin' symbol. Kay County.

     5:02pm  About to pass Lake Street by the Dollar General. I'm giving the peace sign to all the cars. A lot of people wave back in this town.

                    Scratch that, everybody waves back in this town.

     5:06pm  Coming up on downtown. I'll take a picture.

     5:08pm  I'm walking by this old building right here. It looks like it would be so much fun to break into it and explore.

     5:11pm  I'm downtown passing Pine. Be sure to look up the history of this city.

     5:12pm  Passing Union Street where the railroad tracks are.

     5:14pm  I just took a picture of the Poncan Theatre.

     5:21pm  Passing City Hall. I'll try and get a picture off the Internet. I just asked someone where the Greyhound stopped and he told me I had to catch it in Tonkawa. Holy shit! I was just in Tonkawa!

                   Man, fuck this town. Nothing is open. The courthouse is closed, the city hall too. I had to ask this fireman and he told me the Greyhound doesn't come out here anymore. That sucks so much! Lisa at Love's this morning told me it stopped in Ponca City. Argh, I don't know where to go now. I walked all the way out here for nothing! I can't find anybodyto tell my story to either. At least I got to wave to a lot of people and they saw me walking into town and shit. I think I've walked a good twenty miles today. Ugh, I guess I'll just hike back to the Conoco. Please Love, help me out.

                   Whoa, guess what? The only kids I saw in this town, these two kids riding their bikes. I asked them if there was any weed in this town. He asked me how much and told me he'd be right back in five minutes! Badass! What a total surprise in this shitty town! I'm going to go sit back down at this bench I was sitting at.

     6:09pm  One of the kids on the bikes came back. What was your name? Trisha, his mom, pulled up in their car. I told her about my dilemma and she's giving me a ride to Kansas! I offered her ten bucks for gas. I really, really, really appreciate it, Trisha. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

     6:35pm  The kid's name on the bike is Eric. He's the guy who got me the weed. Hell yeah! Right now I am in Arkansas City. I'm in Kansas! They just dropped me off on Madison Avenue in Arkansas City. My prayers were so answered. I asked for help then I see those kids on bikes. He came back with his mom to give me my twenty sack. It wasn't that much weed at all. The amount of weed they gave me would only cost ten bucks in San Antonio. I'm all stoned right now, hehe. Anyway, this kid's mom was the source. They drove up and I was all, "Cool, a car!" Man, I thought I was going to hike all the way back to the Conoco and then bam! Not only did I get some MARIJUANA, but I got me a ride out of this shithole too! I am so glad that guy gave me those hundred bucks. I got fucking sponsors! I gave her ten bucks for gas. I have like thirty bucks left. So here I am in Arkansas City, Kansas. You say say it ARR-KANSAS CITY. That's how it's pronounced. Oh yeah, I took a picture of that guy Eric.

                   Cool picture of the moon.

     6:56pm  I was just walking around this town and I see all these hip-lookin' kids driving around in their cars. Sweet, there's cool people here. There weren't any at all in Ponca City, well except at the end. Ponca City sucked! Then I magically ran into Eric and his friend. He told me that his mom is the only source in town. Right now I asked these two kids walking down the sidewalk, "Hey, I see a lot of cool kids in this town. Is there a park they hang out at?" Maybe I'll walk to 5th Street and see if somebody can give me a ride to 35. "I'll give you gas money."

     7:13pm  I walked to the skatepark and the skaters here are all ignorant, just like the ones in San Antonio. This dumb kid in a red shirt yelled, "Well, what about skaters?!" He wouldn't let me talk. He just walked off right now. Then everybody else began to trickle away. I just gave them my website. I told them thanks for proving me right and walked off.
                   I'll just go up to the road and stick my thumb out. Maybe that's a sign to keep going. I don't want to leave town because when I walked into it I saw a pool. I want to take a shower tomorrow. I'm going to walk around and find out where the coffee shops are. I'll go downtown and tell my story.

                   Oh yeah, this is a college town. That explains all the kids I saw. What's the college here? Cowley College.

     7:34pm  This dude walking by, I hit him up for my story and he listened to it. Afterwards he brought me over to this little park plaza where these kids hang out. Up on Main Street. I tried to take a picture of them earlier but the camera kept messing up.

     8:17pm  I was telling this fifteen year old kid my story. He was listening great. He's watching my bags. Then Shirley Golden, she called me over to help her with this guy who was drunk. We're going to walk him back to his apartment a couple blocks away right now. I'm telling Shirley my story now. Umm, we should walk over and secure my gear. I'll just give her my website. Shirley bought the drunk guy a hamburger. I'm sure he appreciates it. Everybody gets credit.

     8:33pm  Dude, I just love this town already. Some awesome magic happened tonight. After I went to that plaza, it was dead and shit. I took my boots off and dried out my feet. I walked a shitload today. A bit jarred from the ignorant encounter at the skatepark, I hit up this fifteen year old who passed by on a skateboard for my story. He listened to my great! Better than any fifteen year old kid who has ever listened to my story. Most of them don't. I give you props on that, guy. I offered to smoke him out and he said he had just gotten finished smoking. I laughed and said, "Well, I really need to tell you my story then." Then his friends came by in a truck. We came to this park and we're smoking weed in this little playground. He's going to show me a cool place to camp by the river. Hell yeah! I'm not going to want to leave this place.

     10:22pm  Oh man, I have a magical update to make. Right now I am in my sleeping bag hanging with my new friend Ashton, this little fifteen year old kid. I told him my story tonight in the gazebo thingy. Then his friends came by in a truck. First we went to this one girl's apartment. This pretty black girl. I had agreed to smoke her out and she said we could come over. I had her captivated with my story. I asked her if it would be cool if I crashed on hwe floor and at first she said yeah. We went out to the truck to get my bag. Her baby woke up and she pulled the plug on me crashing. But it's alright. These cool kids are going to show me a badass spot by the river I can crash at. My buddy Ashton is crashed out with me. He's using my sleeping bag liner. We're camped out here in the woods. It's so awesome. I'm having fun today. Alright. Ashton, you want to say something? Ashton: "I just met this dude and he's freaking awesome." Ashton was telling me earlier how he hates how the world is. Alright, over and out. We're going to crash. Ashton's gotta go to school tomorrow, hehehe.

Next day..

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