San Antonio, TX

Saturday September 15, 2007
     7:41am  I woke up around six this morning. I got on the computer and checked my email. I got a MySpace Message from adam3000:

Date: Sep 14, 2007 5:55 PM
Subject: RE: RE: No Subject
Body: hey man.
me and my girl want to meet up with you and smoke a bowl.
we like what you have to say.

I replied with:

To: adam3000(myspace.com/120816596)
Date: Sep 15, 2007 6:36 AM
Subject: RE: RE: No Subject
Body: Dude, I was supposed to take off traveling again today, Saturday. Well, I was hiking through OP Schnabel Park yesterday and I accidentally broke through a wasp nest! I got stung all over, like thirty bites and shit. I freaked and jumped in the creek, after taking off my digital camera. Anyway, I decided I'd stick around for a couple more days, for all the wasp stings to go down. So sure, let's get stoned. I'm free. When/where?

- Victor Antonio

                   Then I looked at my Webpage stats. I was going through all the links from external pages and I went to meebo.com, this place where you can log into a lot of instant messaging programs. I couldn't remember the password to my old Aim account I used back when I lived with Chasity at the turn of the century. I clicked on the "Forgot Password?" link and it said it sent the password to the email address I signed up with. So I log into my rightprotect@hotmail.com address(which I haven't used in years, it had expired and I renewed it three months ago when I got back to San Antonio. Well, lo and behold I have an email from my father Franklin which he wrote yesterday. How friggin' weird is that. Look at all the sequences of events that took place for me to check my old hotmail account, where an email from my dad was waiting. Here, look:

From: Botanico Gruber Gruber
Sent: Fri 9/14/07 3:35 PM
To: rightprotect@hotmail.com

Hello Vic, hows life now days. Recently been receiving some messages from
some of my enemies. They saw your BASTARD GRUBER publicity while looking
for me. They ask me for your address. I do not know what their intentions
would be for you as my son. Just thought I would let you know. Take
good care of yourself to avoid the reactions to your actions. Franklin

I wrote back with:

RE: Boomarrang effect
From: victor gruber (rightprotect@hotmail.com)
Sent: Sat 9/15/07 7:19 AM
To: Botanico Gruber Gruber XXXXXX

Life has been great for me lately. My mission and my website have been evolving beautifully. My site is spreading like wildfire. I am taking off soon again. I'll be going to the ignorant coast this time. It's going to blow the lid off my story. I like a challenge.

Tell me more about your "enemies." They might just be trying to scare you by making you think they would come after me, wanting my address and all. Failure is completely based on fear. Plus, my address is fairly easily obtainable through my website, if you know what you're doing. I'm not scared at all.

This is all happening for a reason, for everything does. It's all just part of the show. I am not scared one bit. I am a walking peace publicity stunt. Just last month I was walking twenty miles downtown every other day. Did it like four or five times in a row. Every car that passed me got the peace sign. I've been waving at cars for six years now everywhere I go. In San Antonio EVERYBODY waves back. On Wednesdays I would walk downtown AND back home too. Walked forty miles in about ten hours, taking my time. I was wearing a shirt that said FUCK BUSH - Don't support legal terrorism. Relax Franklin, I'm a professional.

I have some new armaments as well. My mission has evolved into digital pictures. I was blessed with a new digital camera, so there will be tons more pictures soon. You might be watching me on YouTube soon, if you know what that is. Everywhere I go I get recognized. It's all just excellent confirmation that I have NOT been wasting my time these past six years and am being very productive with my volunteer work that is my life. What more do I need to motivate me? I'm never going to stop. Like I said my site is spreading like wildfire. Have you looked at it lately? It's evolved much. Be sure and check out my guestbook and witness the great reaction I am having with your own eyes.

It was weird. I never check this address anymore. It had expired and I reactivated it like three months ago when I got back to San Antonio. I usually use my iamsantonio@yahoo.com address. This morning I luckily remembered the password to this one and I have a message from you from yesterday. Weird, wacky stuff.

Well, let me know what's going on.

- Victor Antonio

p.s. "Love your enemies and be kind to them. Then you will receive a great reward."

                   Hmm, so should I be scared? Even if I should be I am not one bit. I've been doing this long enough and have impregnated this town and a lot of other places with my presence already. I will not be forgotten. I don't even have to be around for it to happen sooner now. Yesterday I had a small fright at first with the wasps, but I knew the whole time I was going to be okay. I was so right because right when I hiked to the parking lot at the park an angel appeared and took me under her wing. Thank you Pat for helping me yesterday. I love you.

     8:00am  Hmm, I'm sitting here at the computer thinking maybe I should take this as a sign to not spraypaint the fence and just go. That's the last thing on my list to do. "Take good care to avoid the reactions of your actions." Or, maybe I just need to thoroughly plan out my escape and find me a friend with a get-away car that would give me a ride up to Austin. Or, maybe if I spraypaint the fence, since so much traffic gets piled up there and they will automatically know it was me since I've been walking up and down Old Tezel for years now, maybe that would be just a little too much. But then I think, "I don't care. I've been planning this for years now." What an internal-struggle I have in my head.

     8:30am  I just called my mom to remind her to make me some havethisbook.com cards at her school. Stupid me forgot it was Saturday and she was driving to Houston right now. I called her and she said, "Well, I have to be at my school to do that and it's Saturday." Haha, it's because I got high. :]

     10:57pm  I have done nothing but play Tetrinet all day. My stings still hurt. Hopefully tomorrow I'll be better. I'm going to pack.

Next day..


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