San Antonio, TX

Tuesday September 4, 2007

     7:43am  I woke up early. I only got like six hours of sleep. I'm going to go for a walk today.

     9:59am  I took on a project this morning. Actually, last night I started darkening in my WPTMJ shirt. I should take a picture. I just darkened in MARIJUANA. It had been washed a couple times and the ink had faded some. I darkened it real good. It's real readable and legible. It's got some slight armpit stains. I'll try to get those with bleach.

     10:24am  I forgot to tell you, I had switched out to a new tape. I am about to take off walking. I don't know where I'm going to walk to. It's not raining right now. I'm not taking any bags or nothing. I'm going to be completely free today. I'll take my raincoat just in case. I'll tie it around my waist. I'm going to take off walking. I have my camera. I'll take pictures too.

     10:30am  I went back inside and got a new tennis ball and cut it. Good thing, because I had left my keys in the lock again. I always do that shit.
     10:42am  I'm walking over by Stevenson Middle School. This morning when I woke up I got the thought in my head that I wished I had some black electrical tape. I could make some badass bold signs with some electrical tape. Right now on the ground I found me three rolls of electrical tape! I'm really getting excited about taking off pretty soon. I'm going to take off without training. I don't care. I'll do a crash course with my heavy ass pack on the road. It's friggin' big. I already packed it up and everything. I have to follow my signs and go North and stop in Denton and hang out with Emily. I think that's what her name is. She emailed me and signed my guestbook, see:

To: rightprotect@linuxmail.org
Subject: RE: World Peace Through MARIJUANA very interesting FREE non-fiction, enjoy
Date: Mon, 27 Aug 2007 13:46:46 -0500

hey there V.A. from S.A.,
been hoping to hear from you for a while...so glad that we did. Me,
my husband Bret,(masterbassist) and some friends of ours met you in
kerrville at the folk fest 2004 (maybe 2005), We would all really
love to hear more about your journey so if you are ever in north
Texas, (Denton specifically) and need/want a place to hang for a bit
please feel free to come and visit. just e-mail or give us a
ring...281-***-2287, thats my #. and in case you don't recall I'm
Emily H. Crow in Denton. So happy that your journey found you safe
and not lacking in stories to fill your book with.


Date: 2007-08-27 12:06:12
Name: Emily
Email: Aych_em@hotmail.com
Number: 87
just got an e-mail from you and wanted to say I'm glad things are going good...and I'm even happier to finally know that you weren't a figment of my imagination 3 years ago on that stoney evening in kerrville on Chapel hill when you told us your story and slept in our camping chair...keep up the peace work.

I emailed her back:

From: "Victor Antonio" <rightprotect@linuxmail.org>
To: "emily hamilton" <aych_em@hotmail.com>
Subject: RE: World Peace Through MARIJUANA very interesting FREE non-fiction, enjoy
Date: Tue, 28 Aug 2007 06:44:37 +0800

Hi, Emily,
Thanks for writing me back. I was at the Folk Fest in
Kerrville in 2004. Check out my experience on my journal(6-04-04).
What more do you remember of our meeting? Where at the Folk Fest was
it? Also, I've been back in San Antonio since June 14th and gearing
up for another trip soon. I've been going to the West Coast and back
since 2002. It's about time I go East. First I'm going North
though. Is Denton on I35? If it's not too far out of my way I can
stop by and visit. Let me know, please.

- Victor Antonio

                     I met her at the Kerrville Folk Fest back in 2004. Oh yeah, and this morning I put my guestbook in order. It's so much easier to read now. As the mission evolves. First I got the sign to go North from this girl on IRC in #wareznorth. Her nick is TeMpTrEs5. She lives in Minnesota and was talking to me. She told me she lived off I35 too, in Albert Lea. She's a manager at the McDonald's on I35 and 90. After chatting with her I've decided that's the course I am going to take unless I get sidetracked on the way. That's where I'm going to turn East. I don't care if now is not the right time to go. I'll get anything I need that I don't have on the road like I always have.

     10:36am  I walked up Guilbeau to Tezel and I've decided where I'm going to go today. I'm going to go get my Social Security card. The SS office is over in Bandera Downs, close to Ingram and Loop 410. I am turning right on Tezel. I'm going to walk all the way to the Social Security office and get my shit done. I had a big bowl of Total Raisin Bran. I have a little cash so I'll fuel up when I need to. I am so delighted at how my website has been evolving. I've been kind of sketched out, though. I'm all paranoid. My stuff is going to get big pretty soon. I have all these ideas for the East Coast. I want to form a NYC hacker troupe, like in the movie Hackers and start working on my stuff hardcore. I'm going to tell them about my ideas about havethisweed.com. How am I am going to hand out weed in little baggies with a piece of paper that says havethisweed.com. All Half-Baked style. It's awesome with how my sign-flying has evolved too. Everybody is going to be doing this shit soon.

     11:27am  I just passed Culebra/Grissom. I'm going to go straight on Culebra to Loop 410.
                     Oh yeah, did I tell you? My mom brought me home two brand new jugs of RioVida. I am all ready for my trip. Those jugs will weigh me down, but it's totally worth it, man. That shit is good.

     11:57am  Coming up on Piper's Creek and Culebra. I'm going to go to the Taco Jalisco Mexican Restaurant. I'm going to take a picture. I haven't been taking pictures at all today.

     12:01pm  They told me no. They told me the manager wasn't there. Same 'ol shit.
                     At first I thought I was going to pay. I went inside and it seemed like all the other taquerias. I decided I would hit them up anyway and see what they tell me. They had Jesus pictures all over the place. I think she thought I was asking for money. I should've clarified that. I just told her thanks anyway and left. I'm not that hungry and I want to walk all the way to the Social Security office without resting.

     12:23pm  Coming up on Loop 410. I took a picture.

                     I am not counting that little pause at the taqueria as a break. I didn't sit down or anything. I just went in, asked and left. I figure I'll get some fast food nearby and take it to the Social Security office and bust a munch. I'm going to smoke some weed too.

     12:25pm  I'm going to go to Bill Miller's and get something to eat and take it to the Social Security Office.

     12:35pm  Turning right on Alamo Down's Parkway. I've got me a Poor Boy in tow.

     12:57pm  I forgot to tell you. There's a huge ass line at the Social Security Office. Nobody wants to hear my story to kill the time, hehe. Oh well.

                     When I first got here the security guard was all being Billy Badass. He barked at me, "You can't come in here with that stick! Or have that water bottle!" Tough guy, big man, do what you can. Let me see your badge, hehe.
                   Right after I tried telling my story to some Mexican lady, right after she told me no some other people came and got in line outside.  There was now like six people behind me.  I noticed this guy complaining about the line and he seemed pretty cool.  I didn't care if I lost my place in line and I went and hit him and this girl he was talking to up for my story.  The girl said no, but the guy agreed to listen.  His name is Adam.  I started my rap and he listened good at first.  This other young dude that was in line behind him seemed to be listening well too.  When I got frustrated from interruptions I just offered Adam my webpage.  The younger kid behind him says, "Can I get one of those?"  Then this other guy out of the blue butts in and says he knows the answer to world hunger.  He says, "I think we should round up all the dead pets that die and freeze dry them and use them for food.  People in Asia eat cats."  I told him that sounded just plain absurd, but he was quite convinced that dead animals were the key to end hunger in our world.  And people say I'm crazy. 

     2:27pm  Screw that place. I decided to bail. I waited there for like an hour. I walked up to I waited outside forever then they let us in at one nineteen.
I was in there for a whole hour and they didn't call any C's at all. C for Card. It was all screenings and shit. It sucked.

                   Adam eventually signed my guestbook a couple days later:


2007-09-06 20:05:02
Name:  adam
Email:  adammcchristian@yahoo.com
Number:  88

hey. i met you at the social security office. i was not the guy talking about freeze drying dead cats and dogs to solve world hunger. haha. they called your number like 10 minutes after you left.

     2:55pm  I walked to the Ingram Park and Ride. I saw Cheryl!(7-21-07-10:28am) My old nurse from University Hospital in 2000. She's so damn fine, man. She's hot as hell. I've been asking everybody at the park and ride if they want to smoke some weed. Nobody has told me yeah. Oh yeah, I decided how I am going to get back home. I'm going to hike through Devil's Den and end up on that power line trail that leads all the way close to my mom's. I bought me some granola bars for fuel from the vending machine at the park and ride.

     3:09pm  I am taking my first break with a beautiful view of litter-strewn Leon Creek. I took a picture. I'm going to keep going along the bank as much as I can. The water level is pretty high. I sat down in a nice spot on a rock by the river and I'm taking a smokebreak.

     3:57pm  I finally figured out a way to get to the other side of the water. I just took a picture of it right now. This place would be so beautiful if it hadn't been ruined by all the trashy humans. Still, I am enjoying this hike. I want to cross the water again though and get all the way on the other side.
                   I ventured further ahead. That picture was looking back.

                   I know what woods I will end up in. I'll end up in OP Schnabel. This is Leon Creek. I can follow it all the way to Bandera. It'll be a huge hike. Ah, I found a Jeep trail over here to the left. I'm going to jump on that.

     5:14pm  Ah, it's getting pretty late. I don't want to keep going on Leon Creek. I popped out in front of Ingram Mall. I'm going to walk Wurzbach to Bandera and catch the 82 to the Mainland Walmart and take the nature hike home through OP Schnabel. Where I popped out of the woods on Wurzbach, I thought I would double back to Ingram Park and Ride and catch a bus, but I am already closer to Bandera. I walked back to the Valero down the street a little. I forget what the name of the street is. I went inside and refilled my bottle with Gatorade for eighty five cents. I went outside, sat down and smoked some weed and ate my granola bar. All of a sudden I see this girl pull up in a car with three little girls. Her car had all these cool stickers on it. On one side it said Jesus Was A Hippy. I offered her my webpage real quick.

     7:31pm  I should make an update by now. That's right, I had decided I was going to walk to Bandera and all of a sudden Michelle(6-19-07) drives by. She asked me if I wanted a ride and I said sure. Michelle is this pretty friend of Katt's and she told me she wants to go traveling with me when I leave soon. I thought about it so much. She's this really attractive eighteen year old. Umm, I never get laid. At first I was really considering but later realized that she is nowhere near ready. She just wants to go out and have fun. I want to go out and work. We came to her friend's apartment. I stayed at the apartment with her friends and I'm waiting for her to get back with some more weed. I'm going to tell her, "I don't think you're ready. If you start walking maybe I'll take you next year." She told me that she didn't walk at all. I can't be slowed down. I'm kind of in a hurry to save the world, hehe. Anyway, I'm waiting for her to come back. When she gets here I'm going to ask her if she can give me a ride to the Walmart so I can hike the nature trail home. Even if it's dark.

     12:06am  I am going to bed finally. I took a hot shower. Ahh, I walked a lot today. I walked all the way to Loop 410 today. It kind of of irks me that I wasted a whole hour at the Social Security Office today. I don't need a Social Security Card. For what? It was weird, right when I decided to walk to Bandera Michelle drove by. Now Michelle is this very sexually-active eighteen year old. She took me to this apartment where these slut guys live who will bone anything that moves. They were all open about it. That's all that they were talking about. How much pussy they could get. I didn't contribute to the conversation at all. At first I was totally down with going traveling with Michelle. She's hot, and I'm horny. But she's only eighteen and all brainwashed with money. Oh yeah, and she doesn't believe in Love. That was the kicker right there. She cannot come with me. Plus, I can't get distracted just because I want to get laid. I need to be totally free to do my work. I guess I'm going to bed now. I'm tired. I don't know what time it is.

Next day..


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