Arcata, CA

Sunday August 31, 2003

     11:35am  We woke up late at camp. We got a good night's sleep. I had some toast in the morning. We scraped up some resin hits and I'm all stoned. We're hiking to town. I got everything I own on me.

                      Haha, banana slugs.

     2:17pm  It's been pretty uneventful today. I sat in the park and listened to lame music. Right now I got hungry, so I'm going to Don's donuts to spange up an apple fritter. I got a quarter. I was pissed. Tim just came up and heard me asking for change for an apple fritter. This guy walked by and Tim asked him, "Can you spare some change for an apple fritter?" The dude told him, "I don't have any change," but he pulled out a dollar and gave it to him. Damnit. That could have been my dollar/apple fritter if Tim hadn't walked up. And used my line.

     2:24pm  John hooked me up with a cigarette in front of the donut shop. I appreciate it, brother.

     2:25pm  Frea and Katie were generous enough to give me some change for a donut. That's very generous of you both. Everybody gets credit in my game.

     3:06pm  Abbie just walked by and gave us some granola bars for a snack. I appreciate it, Abbie. Thank you. Thanks for helping prove myself right.

     3:10pm  Brian hooked me up with a cigarette because of my cool sign. Actually it's because he's human.

     3:10pm  This idiot who just gave me a cigarette just walked off. I started telling him my ideas and he goes, "Oh, I'm not really down with Socialism." I told him to just wait to hear about it when the rest of the world does.

                   Why do we always have to label shit?

     4:19pm  Sterling was generous enough to give me a cigarette. I appreciate it, Sterling. That's Okay, I have a light. Thanks anyway.

     4:44pm  Daniel's hooking me up with a cigarette. I appreciate it, brother.

     5:03pm  I just had the strangest encounter with this guy who told me he was psychic. He came up to me and told me he was here tonight to tell me something. He's going to go in the bar and drink a Guinness and he's going to come back out and we're going to smoke some trim. Badass. He told me, "I don't know. Maybe you are the guy I'm supposed to meet."

     5:20pm  The craziest shit. This guy is into something. He was like telling me the same exact thing I believe in. He was talking about the love-universe. He told me, "We were created by a creator. Why can't you believe that?" I told him, "You know why? Because it hasn't been proven to me. But, anything is possible, you know. I'm not saying it's impossible. You believe it because it has been proven to you, which is what I need to happen for me to believe it. I am not saying it's not true, though. For all I know, it could be true, but I'll have to learn that on my own. Let me, don't make me unless I ask you to." I did and he said he was going to, so let's see if he does.

                   We got in a van and drove off. We stopped here at the Manila Market. I don't know what street this is. He came here to buy a six-pack of beer.

     6:45pm  Captain Kirk just told me a good quote. What was that quote you just said right now? He said, "Fuck man, I thought you remembered." I pointed to my tape recorder and said, "This is my memory right here. Tell it to me again and I'll never forget it." He was all, "For what?" I told him, "For the book. For the truth." He said, "What I was talking about is that there is, you know like really poetically, which I probably won't be able to remember again, is that there is no reason to ever fear anything." I said, "Do the things you fear and the death of fear is certain." He said, "If you believe in Love, I didn't say it that way, but that's a better way anyway. That one works." I wanted Kirk to tell me the quote again, but I asked him, "Do you believe in Love?" He answers, "Everyone believes in Love. But, most people try to hide their beliefs. Most people try to pretend that it's more logical to believe in violence and aggression. I'm just saying believe in Love." That's all it is.

6:49pm We are veering down another detour down Jackson Ranch Road. We're just driving around. We're going back to Arcata the slow way, the scenic route. I only had two beers.

                   Captain Kirk put the roof on that barn there.

                   So he says.

                   Kirk: "Love cannot be accepted without the chance of long love. Love will win. Love wins in this universe. Everybody has an acceptable ego which really doesn't consider love the most important thing. Any time you don't think Love is the most important thing, you're an ego. It's simple. It's very simple about our consciousness on this planet. I don't know how simple it is to communicate it with everyone."

                   Kirk again: "I would be willing to try to contend that everyone is trying to save the world. Every single person on the planet. Many, many ways are mistaken. There needs to be many modifications in many peoples' plans before we come together. People all lead to truth in the end."

     7:37pm  What a weird day I've had. That dude was all freaky and he dropped me off in the plaza. In the end, I told him my "When it happens, know who is responsible," line. He started yelling at me and wouldn't let me finish the thought where I say world peace is going to have to be everybody's fault, I'll just be the catalyst. He was saying, "You can't take responsibility for this!" He wouldn't let me finish and sped off in his van. He hooked me up with a joint of trim, though.

                   I'm back at the donut shop now asking for change for an apple fritter, I'm hungry. This guy just walked by and I asked him for change. He dug through his bag and said he didn't have any change, but he had an apple. So he gave it to me. I didn't get his name, but that was extremely generous of that guy.

     7:40pm  This dude just walked by with some green shorts and boots and he was carrying all this big stuff. I just asked him for change for an apple fritter and he just gave me fifty cents. I didn't get his name, but he knows who he is. Thanks, dude.

     7:45pm  Badass, this dude just walked by with something under his arm. He was wearing a plaid shirt and brown khaki shorts. He had long hair and I asked him if he could spare any change for an apple fritter and he gave me a whole dollar. He didn't even slow down. He just handed it to me and kept walking. Awesome. Chow time.

     8:53pm  Snail Trail is hooking me up with a bud. He's loading my one-hitter for me. And, Manuel just hooked me up with a cigarette. I've got his email address. Awesome. I'm telling them my stories.

     9:13pm  This is cool. Everybody's talking about me. This girl just hooked me up with some weed. She said, "Yeah, I remember you from Berkeley flying a sign and trying to get people to listen to you." That's so cool.

     10:00pm  Tim and I are walking back to camp. Some girl just walked by and Tim asked her for some change. She said she didn't have any. It seems like she was in a hurry. Tim said, "How about a cigarette?" She actually turned around and gave him one. I didn't get her name, but she knows who she is.

     10:09pm  Amanda was generous enough to give me some change. I appreciate it, Amanda.

     10:11pm  Matt is hooking me up with some spare change for a donut. I appreciate it, Matt.

     11:25pm  Tim, Geba, Ian and I have been walking for like half an hour. We got the idea to walk to the coast. To the beach. That's where we're going. Remember that one night when I was looking for a place to crash and I walked down Samoa and slept by that fence? Well, we're walking in that direction.

     11:52pm  I've been power-walking all this time. Not that I wanted to be away from the guys, just that I saw this as an opportunity to get some good exercise. I was lifting my arms and everything. I was walking fast. I don't know how far I've walked. I can't see the mile markers in the dark. I think I'm almost to the coast. That's awesome.

     12:11am  I've reached the Mad River Slough Bridge. I see water. I'm going to just sit down and wait to see how long it takes these guys to catch up with me.

     12:15am  Here come the kids.

     12:26am  I guess we just turned into this RV park here and looks like we're going to find a place to crash. I don't know what's going on.

                     Okay, we're walking again.

     12:42am  I walked past the other guys and all of a sudden I hear somebody calling me. It's Tim and somehow I got in front of him. I was walking down this trail and he called me back over. Now, we're looking for the other two guys. Geba and Ian.

     12:57am  We found a spot in the sand dune and we are crashing out for the night.

Next day..

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