Berkeley, back to Arcata, CA

Sunday August 24, 2003

     8:00am  Sunday morning. I just woke up at the laundromat. I'm leaving in like three hours!

     8:13am  I showed up late for Sunday breakfast in the park. They feed at 7:30, then move to Center Street downtown. I'm getting a ride to Center Street with the milk and coffee. I'm in the back of a truck right now. I'm going to eat. That's cool.

     8:42am  I'm in this big line over on Center Street. I hope there's some food left when I get up there. I'm hungry.

     9:14am  I just finished eating breakfast. A yummy cup of oatmeal with brown sugar and raisins. I'm walking over to that store I helped yesterday. There should be ten dollars waiting for me. Then I can buy a camera. I need to find a cellphone somewhere so I can call Issa.

     9:36am  The place I unloaded groceries for yesterday was in front of the Sather Gate parking garage. In the same building as the Sather Gate Gift Shop. It's still kind of early, so I was going to go to the bathroom under the parking garage and take a shit. I went and the bathrooms were locked. So I walked out hoping to find someone with a phone. Just then, this black girl sat down at the bus stop talking on her phone, so I'm going to wait until she's done and ask her if I can use it real quick so I can call Issa.

     9:44am  Sheryl hooked me up with her cellphone. I appreciate it, Sheryl.

                   Cool, I called Issa and she said that we were going to go at 11:00am, just to call her then. So I got time to take pictures! I have until 3:00pm or so. I'm going to go get my money, first.

     9:57am  I lucked out, the bathrooms were open and I'm taking a dump right now. I'll be finished at right about ten and I'll go get my money and take pictures and ahhhh, everything will go as planned. Yay, this is going to be a good day. It's the day of Sabbath. I think that's what they call Sunday.

     10:12am  The Asian people aren't there yet. I'm going to wait for them. The name of the store will be Campus Market. The sign says, "A convenience store for all your living needs.

     10:26am  Not too long after I got there, I see Kaori walking up. I explain to her the supposed situation and she says Ron never came back. Bastard ripped me off and I busted my ass way more than him! He had told me how they liked our job so much yesterday that they would give him work in the future, but after this they'll never give him work. Kaori was nice enough to give me five dollars because Ron ripped me off. Kaori was very sweet and told me if she had more she would give it to me. She also told me that if I saw Ron again, to not say anything to him and come get her and she would get my money back.

                      I had walked down Telegraph to the park and hung out there. As I was walking back I spotted Ron at his usual corner in front of Amoeba asking for spare change(so you can assume he had already spent the money). I went up to him and told him that I had already been to the place and they didn't have my money. He got all riled up and I just walked off to get Kaori. I shouldn't have told him anything. I went back to the Campus Market, told Kaori I had found Ron and her and I walked out of the place heading for Haste. The street was a bit crowded and I was checking the corner to see if Ron was still there. I didn't see him on the corner, but spotted him walking away arguing with someone else. I told Kaori, "There he is," and she bolted off. She caught up to him and started asking him about the money. Ron started yelling at her and raising his hand at her. She insisted but Ron started walking away. It seems like he had ripped the guy who he was arguing with off for ten dollars, too. Ron pussied out and started walking away. Kaori walked back and me and this other dude followed Ron. Ron was still denying everything and ran away like the pussy he is. I was mad, but I took comfort in knowing that justice would be done. Karma can be a real bitch. I let the ten bucks go. I guess I'll come back to take pictures.

                      So now I have five dollars and I need five more to get a camera. Let's see if I can manifest it.

     11:30am  I'm just having fun out here flying my HOOK A BROTHER UP sign. I'm just walking around. It really is a big joke. Just because it's so commonplace to be asking for change on this street.

     12:35pm  I called Issa again and I have an hour. I've just been lazy flying my sign and nobody has been giving me anything, but hey, it's funny. Hmm, I'm going to go see if the market they sell the camera at will hook me up for half price. It's worth a shot.

     12:37pm  This stupid cop is all trying to lecture these kids. He's all, "I've told you before . ." He's retarded. I feel like going up to him and singing that Operation Ivy song, Officer to him.

     12:38pm  This dude I recognized(I didn't get his name because the tape ran out and I didn't notice it until later) asked me how I was doing and I told him about my dilemma. He told me, "Let's go get your camera." Wowee Zing Zowee! Right in the nick of time. We went to the market and he gave the cashier a twenty. I handed him my five and thanked him so much. Okay, I have to move fast.

                     Okay, I don't know when the tape ran out. I called Issa again and she said she would give me another half hour. I'm taking pictures at the school. I got pictures of the library, the front of the church and my whole routine in the mornings, including my little hideout I smoke at. Issa wants me to meet her at 2:50pm at People's Park.

Telegraph and Bancroft.

Sproul Hall.

Sather Gate.

Entrance to path along side of library.

Side wall.

Where I stop and smoke before going to the library every day.

The University Library.

Trinity Lutheran where they feed breakfast and lunch.

Red parking garage.

Random shot.

Amoeba Music Store.

Cody's Bookstore

Bing Wong Wash Center

People's Park

Free Box.

Trees in the park.

Pigeons in the park.

My magical sign on the People's Park bathroom.

My sign.


     2:43pm  I am walking back from Bing Wong. I hotfooted it all the way over there to take a picture of where I sleep. Now, I'm going to walk to the park. I have plenty of time to get there. I'm going to get there right on time. Cool.

     2:50pm  Mission accomplished. I got everything done. I took pictures of everything I really needed to. Too bad I was in such a rush to take pictures. I could've taken much better ones. Now, I'm at the park. I'm going to take a piss, take pictures of the park and refill my water bottle. Then I'll be ready to go.

     4:00pm  We are on our way to Humboldt County, that's right. We already drove out of the city. I'm just glad to be leaving and on the road again and not stationary in one place. Thanks to good 'ol Issa. Thank you Issa, I appreciate it.

     4:27pm  We missed 4:20. Issa told me to remember to type up how I almost lost my calendar on top of Issa's truck. Okay, here's the story. Issa had told me she would be in front of the bathrooms at 2:50pm. She wasn't so I headed back to Telegraph to bum another cellphone. I got one quick and called Issa. Turns out she was in her truck that was parked in front of the bathrooms. I walked over there, spotted her, put my water bottle and pocket calender(which I had out for Issa's phone number) on top of her car and put my bags in. I grabbed the bottle and climbed in the truck totally forgetting about my pocket calendar. Like a block away, I noticed that my back pocket was empty. Damnit! I remembered I had left it on the roof of that car. I reached up, felt around and luckily it was still there. Man, if I lost that little book, so much would have been wasted. In that book are over four hundred email addresses from my email soliciting campaign on Telegraph. I am so glad I didn't lose it. Okay, that pretty much covers it.

                   We stopped at some gas station and Issa got the hair up her ass to get in the ice cooler. I took a picture.

     6:44pm  We stopped at Empire Camp Rest Area. I don't know where that is.

     8:50pm  We finally got to Issa's house in McKinleyville. Her mom owns the house, so she doesn't have to pay that much rent. It's a really nice house and her and her boyfriend and his friend live here. They're going to let me crash for the night and give me a ride to Arcata in the morning. Tomorrow is Issa's first day of school at HSU. It'll be cool.

     11:25pm  Man, what a great night it's turned into. I came over, I have a computer to sit on as long as I want. I got to take a shower. I'm all clean, I feel great. On the way up here, Issa hooked me up with a couple bucks to buy some Buglers. It's just been a great night. I missed how nice civilization was. Just being able to come out on a balcony and smoke a cigarette with the wind chimes ringing. Wow, I missed it. But hey, this is just a vacation to pump me up for the mission. It's a little surprise, a little present. A gift from Love. Thank you, Love. Praise Love.

                     Oh yeah, I have a project to do on Issa's computer tonight. I need to pull all the days I've logged off my email and paste them to text files. Then I'll put them all into a zip file and email it to myself, so I'll have my entire journal backed up on the web, just in case my emails get wiped out by the Feds, hehe.

                     Hehe, they got a bong loaded with weed on the counter. I'll smoke weed when I get off the computer. It'll be awesome.

Next day..

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