Junction, TX to Clovis to Portales, NM

Sunday June 19, 2005

     6:15am  I just woke up by the river. I slept on the rocky shore.

     6:31am  I'm getting dressed. Just like I planned last night. I told myself I was going to wake up tomorrow and take a bath in the river. I went to see how cold the water was. I was positive it would be freezing and I would change my mind about taking a bath. I stuck my finger in the water and it was all nice and warm. Wow, it was so great. I dropped my drawers and got my bar of soap and went skinny dipping in the river right here.

     7:16am  I just got all my stuff loaded up. I'm taking off now. I have to go by D and Chris'. I left my dirty Let's Go Bite Some Yankees shirt and underwear at their place.

     7:55am  I went back to Chris and D's. I couldn't find my Let's Go Bite Some Yankees shirt. That sucks! I lost a dirty pair of socks too. I need that shirt. I had that shirt forever. Well, I guess I can always come back through Junction and get it later.

     8:05am  I came and took a shit at Johnny's.

     8:13am  Jay hooked me up with a cigarette in front of the Exxon. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

     8:22am  At Johnny's there were all these bikers out in front. I bummed a cigarette off one guy. I hit him up for my story, but after I told him my mission-objectives he said, "You just keep on walking and do your thing." I'm going to walk up to the truckstop by the McDonald's. I'm hungry. I hope I can score some breakfast over there.

     8:35am  Crossing one of the Llano rivers. North or South. I don't know.

     8:38am  Coming up on the I10 junction.

     8:57am  Carli, at the truckstop by the McDonalds is hooking me up with a hotdog for fifty cents. I appreciate it, Carli. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

                    Cool, I got hooked up with a hotdog. I came outside to eat in front of the McDonalds. This trucker guy came out and I asked him for a ride. He said no, but I got to tell him my platform. He agreed with everything I said.

     9:13am  Joe, at the truckstop hooked me up with a cigarette.

     9:21am  Oh yeah, I ran into Marie! This little short girl I had met at Johnny's the first night I was here. She came to say hi to her mom who works here. Her mom had already met me and gave me permission to ask for rides.

                   Please Love, give me a ride pretty soon.

     10:04am  Cool, the Tia Nenas Mexican Restaurant across the street. See, I thought it was closed all day because it was Sunday. I'm going to go eat when I get hungry.

     11:30am  I already got my ride. To Clovis, New Mexico. Marcus is hooking me up. From the truckstop in Junction.

     11:59am  I am telling Marcus my story. What's your email, brother? m_drake_1999@yahoo.com

     4:07pm  I forgot to tell you. Marcus and I stopped in Sweetwater to take a piss. At the TA truckstop here.

     4:34pm  We are crossing into New Mexico. Farwell City Limits.

     4:40pm  Entering the town of Clovis. It doesn't seem like there's too much here.

     4:46pm  I just got dropped off in Clovis. Not that far from downtown. Like a mile away. Whoo, I see a Mexican Cancun restaurant down there. I'm going to eat. 

     4:52pm  The greedy asses at Cancun told me no. The lady said, "No, we're not doing that right now." Bullshit! None of them are even Mexican. They're all Asian. Wannabes. I told her, "I was just testing you. You failed."

                   Cool, I see a Juanito's. There's probably Asian people running this Mexican restaurant too.

                   Juanito's is closed. That sucks. I think there's a downtown pretty close to here.

                   It's 105 degrees outside right now. I thought going North would make things colder, but guess not.

                   I'm going down Mabry Drive.

                   Cool, there's a truckstop to walk back to. Cool.

                   I was going to hit up the Espiga De Oro Tortilleria, but they don't seem to be open.

     5:08pm  I'm going to go hit up the Subway.

     5:09pm  No-go at the Subway either. Oh well. This is a greedy town so far. She told me, "If I could I would." Bullshit.

                   After Subway I turned right on Prince Street.

                   Barely anybody waves back in Clovis. Only a couple Mexican people have waved back.

     5:29pm  I'm going to go hit up Pizza Hut.

     5:30pm  The greedy ass at the Pizza Hut told me no.

                   The greedy asses at the Dominos told me no too.

                   Nobody is telling me yes. Screw this greedy town. I'm going to walk back to the truckstop as soon as I score some food.

                   At the IHOP the lady told me, "Do you want to come back around six when my manager gets here?" Oh shit, I've been telling the time wrong. It's 5:37 right now. I told her, "Well, what if he doesn't hook me up?" She told me, "Oh he will. I'll make sure of that." Sweet, so I'm going to get some generosity in Clovis. I'm going to walk to the KFC and see if they'll hook me up before I go to the IHOP. 

     5:44pm  Rosicela at the KFC, finally somebody hooked me up in this greedy town. I appreciate it.

                   It was about time. Welcome to Clovis, Victor.

     5:56pm  I finished eating at the KFC. I got two pieces of chicken, some mashed potatoes and a couple biscuits. I'm still hungry though, so I'm going to go back to IHOP afterwards. In like five minutes.

                   I guess all real taquerias are closed today in Clovis. It's Sunday. I'm not sure if I'm going to walk around and explore and talk to people. I should just go back to the truckstop and get a ride. Oh yeah, I didn't tell you, that trucker Marcus hooked me up with a whole pack of cigarettes. Awesome.

     6:06pm  Sarah the lady at the IHOP is in fact getting me hooked up.

                   Did I tell you I was getting hooked up at the IHOP? When Sarah sat me down she introduced me to her manager, a young dude and gave me a menu. I told the guy, "As far as ordering goes, surprise me. Not liking it is still a small price to pay for free food." Then I sat down and I overheard them in the kitchen wondering what to give me. I hear the manager go, "Give him a steak." Oh shit, I am already surprised.

     6:14pm  Dustin, the manager at the IHOP is hooking me up with some food. I appreciate it, brother.

     6:34pm  I just got my steak. Then some other guy came up to me and said, "Excuse me, where are you hiking to?" He was all interested in my stuff. I bet you anything it's the Relax I'm a Professional shirt I have on. I tried to tell him my stuff but he was all, "Oh no, I'm not interested in any theology. I was just wondering where you were hiking from and where you're going." I told him, "I go wherever I end up. If you don't make plans you don't get let down."

                   I'm talking to Dustin. What was your email? wu_fei_chang666@hotmail.com

     7:05pm  Oh man, I got treated like royalty at the IHOP. They gave me a steak! They were all about my stuff. I even planted my seed. I gave Dustin a CD. Welcome to Clovis, Victor.

                   Hmm, I have a full belly and I can walk. Portales is like twenty miles away. I'm going to that truckstop.

                   I had told Dustin, "I'm trying to prove that all we need is love. Thanks for helping me." He told me, "That's great."

     7:29pm  Turning left on 2nd Street. I'm going to walk this instead of Prince. It runs parallel to it. Let's see if I can find someone to tell my story to.

     8:10pm  I walked all the way almost to Love's. I stopped at the Indian River Transport company. The milk delivery guys. Oh yeah, that's what Marcus was hauling, milk. When we drove by this place earlier he told me that I might be able to get a ride there if I tell them his name. Let me see what happens.

                   I went in there and they told me they never heard of Marcus who drives for S. Kane. Oh well, I'll just go to the Love's. It's not that far away.

     8:19pm  I have arrived at Love's. That was a good hike all the way from the IHOP. I'm all full. I had a steak and chicken before. It seems like my work is done in Clovis. I got to tell my story at the IHOP and planted my seed. I've also been giving everyone the peace sign as I've been walking.

     8:34pm  Jeremy, at the Love's truckstop, without me even asking offered me some money. A five dollar bill. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

     8:42pm  Haha, that was funny. See, first I went inside and asked permission to ask for rides and they told me I couldn't, so I went outside to sit down and rest. This dude who had seen me outside comes out and asks me, "Do you need any money?" I tell him, "If you can spare it, sure." He gave me a dive dollar bill. I pulled out my tape recorder and told him, "I'm writing a book on generosity that the whole world is going to read on the Internet, and you're in it." I started with my presentation and his dad came outside and asked me, "What are you selling!?" I told him, "Nothing, I'm giving stuff away." He asked me what I was giving away and I told him peace. He blew me off and told his son, "Don't give him any money, son." Then he told me, "You should get a job!" I told him, "I've got a job. Have you always been so quick to judge?" He said, "What's your job then?" I said, "My job doesn't pay me money. I work for free." He says, "Well, that's fucked up." I said, "Yeah, just like Jesus did." He gets mad and says, "What did you say, homie?" I repeated myself, "Just like Jesus did. He didn't need money to do his job." He drove off, ha.

                   It sucks they won't let me ask for rides at the Love's. That sucks. It's called Love's, damnit. I guess I'm walking back to Clovis.

                   Anyway, it's dark time. I might as well find a place to crash. A train just stopped on the tracks nearby. Maybe I'll go hop on that. I don't know. I'm going to walk back to the IHOP, the only friends I have in this town and see if I can get a ride to Portales from one of them. I'll offer five bucks for gas.

     9:11pm  That truckstop was about three miles away from the IHOP.

     9:40pm  I've been hauling ass the whole time. I haven't rested one time. I just turned right on Hickory Street I'm going to cut across to Prince again and get close to the IHOP.

     9:45pm  I'm on Prince now. Walking to the IHOP. Hopefully I'll make it back before they close.

     10:02pm  Back at the IHOP. I can't believe I made it by ten. I hope Dustin is still here.

     10:49pm  I was sitting outside of the IHOP talking to people asking for a ride to Portales. I was wondering how I could get out of town. I have already walked about twelve miles back and forth. All of a sudden this group of people walk by. They had just finished eating and I asked them, "Are you guys going towards Portales?" One guy told me, "We're going to Portales." Perfect, guys. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

     11:33pm  I just got dropped off at this college in Portales. It's awesome how this is the town I wanted to be at and here I am. On my way to Roswell. Oh yeah, the people who gave me a ride from the IHOP were all Jesus-freaks. God-this and God-that. They were all telling me, "It's a personage." I told them, "No, it's not, it's just something. I call it Love, but it isn't human." I don't know where I'm going to crash. It's still hard to believe that I'm in Portales. That's so awesome. I don't know where I'm going to crash. I'm just going to walk around until I find some woods.

                     I am the ENMU campus. Eastern New Mexico University, I'm guessing.

                     I'm just going to walk in one direction until I find some woods or something.

     12:12pm  I think I found a place to crash. I just kept walking in one direction close to the college. I wound up by some field with an old abandoned truck in it. The doors were open and I could get inside, but I am sure there's lots of bugs in there. There's a big trailer right in front of it and I'm going to crash on that. I've got good weed-cover in front of it.

                     Oh, and the bible thumpers that gave me a ride, I tried to give them my CD. They wouldn't accept it. I told them, "My contribution is ready," but they wouldn't take it. I told them, "Ignorance is bliss, they say."

Next day..

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