Ingram to Hunt to Mountain Home and walking, TX

Wednesday June 15, 2005

     6:26am  I just woke up. Pretty close there's a van parked with people in it. I wonder if they'll tell me anything.

                   It was the Hill Country Youth Camp. I crashed behind the big sign by the road.

     6:28am  Plot thickens. I just talked to the lady sitting in the van. I'm going to walk back up to Ingram. I'll try and get a ride somewhere.

                   Damnit, I hate doubling back. I don't have any more water. I need food. I need to take a shit and I don't have any toilet paper. I guess I have to head back to civilization for a little bit. See if I can get a ride to I10. I really should've walked I10 from Kerrville. I walked this other highway.

                   See, the lady in the van earlier told me it was really really far to a gas station from the youth camp. I remember seeing a sign that said the next town was only eleven miles away.

     7:12am  I just came out of the NuMart. I took a shit and brushed my teeth. I didn't want to buy anything to eat there. The tacos were $1.19 and I only have two dollars. I'm going to walk to the Exxon and see what they have. The Pig Pantry.

                   Sweet, I already got my ride to Hunt. I asked the kid, "What's over there?" He told me it was real pretty, so I guess I'm going to go look at Hunt. I'm going to tell him my story.

     7:24am  I never mentioned that at the gas station I went in there and bought me a couple snacks. I asked this guy Justin who was putting gas in his truck if he'd give me a ride out of Ingram. We came to get some tacos and we picked up his friend and they're both listening to my story now. Justin hooked me up with this two tacos. I appreciate it, brother.

     7:28am  I'm getting Justin's email address. young_studd20002000@yahoo.com

                   That was just magical. How I got a ride so quick. These kids loved my story. They were all about it. I even gave them a CD. They dropped me off over here in Hunt. They said it was real beautiful. Let me take a picture of the river.

                   He was the first guy I had asked for a ride. I asked him if he would give me a ride out of Ingram and he asked me what direction I was going. I told him I didn't care. He said he was going to Hunt and that it wasn't that far away. I asked him if he could give me a ride there. At first he was kind of hesitant, so I turned around and showed him the peace sign on my neck and he quickly said sure. I told him I was harmless. Then we went to get tacos and his friend. This really is a beautiful place. He told me, "It's real pretty. You'll like it."

     8:15am  Just came up on Jolly Creek Road. Cool, there's a historical marker here.

                   "Site of Sherman's Mill. A pioneer Kerr County water powered mill located near Kelly Creek-Guadalupe River confluence. It ground corn, sawed lumber, ginned cotton. Built in 1870's by John Sherman, it was in use until destroyed by a flood in 1932. Sherman, his wife, and eight children lived in house still standing nearby."

     8:29am  I just stopped to do an emergency repair on my blanket roll. I am still amazed at how I got shot out here. This morning I woke up and I didn't know what was going to happen. I went to this gas station and asked permission to bum rides and they said sure. They told me just not to harass anybody. I assured him I was harmless. Then the first guy, this kid hooked me up. I blew his and his friend's minds too. They were reacting at all the main points and laughing at all the funny parts.

     8:32am  I came and I'm going to take my little lunch break. Umm, brunch break, I guess. In this little concrete alcove by the river.

     8:50am  I finished my little lunch-break. That was a big taco. I thought it was two tacos at first. It was just one big huge one. A breakfast taco. It had meat and eggs and it was good. I didn't even eat the whole thing. I was stuffed. I gave the last bit to the fish. And I got to smoke a snipe I had found right before. Dumbass me, when I finished I accidentally flicked it in the river, so I went and brought it back with my stick and took it out of the river. Sorry whatever river this is. I didn't mean to do that.

                   There's signs that say no trespassing. If somebody tries to run me off this little alcove I'll tell him, "Man, this is my land. This is your land. From California to the New York Islands. This land is made for you and me." Hehehe, I'm all stoned.

                   Oh yeah, right now I walked up to these two guys. They were taking a canoe off their car. It's the Guadalupe River that I'm next to. These guys were unloading a canoe and they saw me. One said, "Hey! Long distance walker!" I gave them my presentation but they couldn't listen. Their kids wanted to go fishing. Oh, but I gave them a CD! They has asked me, "Do you have a website?" I told them, "I have it in my bag."

     9:01am  Picnic Area 1 Mile.

                   One of those guys told me to take the South Fork and aim for Leakey.

     9:10am  I've been walking down Highway 39. West 39.

     9:17am  I'm going to go read the historical marker. I'm over here by the Guadalupe River. Schumacher Crossing.

                   "Christian Schumacher emigrated with his family from Germany to Texas in 1845, the year he was born. He came to Kerr County in 1880, later marrying Sarah Brazeal Sublett and moving to land along the Guadalupe River, near the site of an antebellum sawmill operation by Gustov and Frederik Tgner. In the 1920's, son John Randolph Schumacher built a series of dams across the river, providing security from raging floodwaters for a stream crossing and new road to hunt. Today the damns remain and an improved highway bridge crosses the stream. The Schumacher Crossing is still enjoyed for its scenery and access to the river."

     9:24am  I am up from my smokebreak.

     9:31am  Coming up on the Guadalupe River again. The Hunt Crossing.

     9:35am  I am just now getting to Hunt, Texas. I took a picture.

                   Junction 48, Uvalde 88.

     9:42am  I came to the Hunt Store and Cathy outside getting gas, I hit her up for my story and she listened. I just took a picture of her and her dog, Poodles.

     9:50am  Cool, I got permission from the guy inside to ask for rides.

     9:57am  This nice lady in a red truck, I'll get her name in a minute, she's giving me a ride back to Ingram. I'm going to go to Mountain Home. She said the way I was going, that there's nothing out there.

     10:04am  Charner was the generous soul who gave me a ride back to Ingram. I appreciate it, Charner. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

     10:10am  Oh yeah, I got directions from the guy at the Hunt Store. I ended back up a the Damm Store, where I came with that dude Justin and his friend earlier. I had told the guy at the Hunt Store that I wanted to go to Mountain Home, but that I didn't want to double back all the way back into Ingram. He pulled out a map and showed me a shortcut. I need to take Ingram Loop Road to get back on the highway towards Mountain Home.

     10:17am  Johnson Creek. Crossing Johnson Creek.

     10:32am  Turning left on Ingram Loop.

     10:42am  Badass, I'm already on Hwy 27. That was quick. That was a shortcut.

                     I've been here before. This is close to where I walked out and crashed behind the sign at the youth camp. I guess I'll go back to Ingram and get some food. I have a dollar. I don't know if I'm going to keep going this way. I have a dollar. I have to go back to Ingram.

                     Screw it, I am not going back to Ingram. I'm going to keep walking this way. Going West.

                     Passing in front of the Hill Country Youth Camp. On the sign it says, "This is my commandment. That you love one another, even as I have loved you." John 15:12

     10:43am  Historical Marker 1 mile.

     10:49am  I have to pause real quick and switch out my tennis ball. Oh shit, a green snake.

                     Actually, I think I'm going to sit down and rest. And smoke some weed.

     11:01am  I'm up from my 420 break.

     11:08am  Passing over Henderson Branch.

     11:11am  Historical Marker Time.

                     "Henderson Cemetary(two miles north) Howard Henderson(1842-1908) came to Texas in 1857. He was a survivor of a civil war battle of Nueces in 1862, he and other unionists were ambushed by a confederate force near the Nueces River. He later served as a Texas Ranger. Henderson married Narcissa Turknett in 1866 and they settled near this site. In 1870, upon the death of her infant twin sons, Thomas and Phillip, they began a family burial ground which became known as Henderson Cemetery. Other family members and neighbors were also buried in the graveyard. 1990"

     11:32am  Walking in front of the Armadillo Junction RV Park.

     11:47am  I walked a little bit past the Star Ranch sign. I'm going to sit down in the shade and smoke this little snipe I found.

     11:52am  I didn't rest that long. I smoked a little snipe and drank some water. I'm almost out of water. I'm up walking. There's lots of houses on this road.

                     Just crossed over the Fall Branch Bridge.

     12:30pm  I just walked up to this house and rang the doorbell. Nobody was home, so I stole some water out of their house outside. I filled up both my bottles. I don't see the address marked anywhere. I'll tell you the address of the house across the street though. It's 4524 the house across the street. It's got a big fence and a Circle P.

                     I came across the street and I'm going to stand in the shade in front of the Perkin's house. They've got a sprinkler going next to a wall I can sit on and I'm going to cool off. I'll smoke some marijuana.

     12:37pm  I'm taking off from my little smokebreak in the shade. I took a hit of weed and I'm walking now.

     12:46pm  Coming up on the Ranch Road 479 Junction. Right before Dry Branch Creek. I think there's a sign down there that will tell me how far away I am from everything. I'm aiming for Mountain Home.

     12:50pm  If I go straight, Junction 39. To the right, Harper 16. I'm going straight.

     12:55pm  I've got four miles to Mountain Home. Thirty nine to Junction. I'm going to hike to Mountain Home and tell my stories all day. Then I'll walk to Junction in the morning. I don't know. Maybe I'll take off walking tonight or something.

                     I just came and sat under this tree in the shade and switched out my tennis ball. They're wearing out quick on my stick now. I remember the first ball I ever put on this stick lasted me like three or four days. I'm going to walk to Mountain Home. It's only four miles away. I'll get there like in an hour.

                     I just turned around and there's a sign that says Kerrville 13 miles. I'm thirteen miles away from Kerrville. I walked it all. It's not that much.

     1:11pm  Picnic Area and Historical Marker 1 mile.

     1:17pm  I'm going to sit down and rest for a while. I shouldn't be pushing myself this hard. I'm going to sit down and rest for my own good. I think I'm only three and a half, or maybe three miles away from Mountain Home. I don't even know if there's going to be anything there. I've been told there's not that much at all. Hopefully there's a store.

     1:21pm  I know what I'll do. I'll sit down here in the shade and read some of my new Powershift book. My new Alvin Toffler book.

     2:06pm  I'm going to get up from my rest now. I tried to doze off. I didn't fall asleep. I just dozed off. I hope I find some place to eat soon. I'm hungry.

     2:20pm  There's the historical marker. Tecaboca to the left.

                   "The Doughty Tragedy of 1878. A pioneer family of Susan(1830-1913) and James Doughty(1818-1900) moved from Goliad to Kerr County in 1878 and settled on Johnson Creek. Shortly after the family arrived four of the Doughty children, Alice, Martha, Susan and James were killed by Indians while tending sheep near their home. The attack occurred on October 5th, 1878, at a site about 3.5 miles northwest of present Ingram. The victims were buried the following day at Sunset Cemetery, northwest of Ingram. This incident was one of the last indian raids in Kerr County. 1979."

                   I wonder what Tecaboca is. I should go find out.

                   Tecaboca is the Texas Catholic Boys Camp. I'm hungry. I'm going to keep walking to Mountain Home. I hope there's a store.

                   Texas Catholic Boys Camp, Tecaboca. Get it? The first two letters of each word.

     2:27pm  About to pass Fessenden Creek. I wish I could get in it.

     2:29pm  Passing the Texas Parks and Wildlife Heart of the Hills Fishery and Science Center.

     2:35pm  I stopped for about two or three minutes and bent over and rested my shoulders.

     2:38pm  Passing in front of the Sunset Baptist Church. God's lighthouse in the hills.

     2:47pm  I am in Mountain Home. Everybody is right. There is nothing here. There's a turn up here. I hope there's something after the turn.

     3:01pm  I stopped in the shade and I'm going to rest again. I haven't even taken that turn yet.

     3:21pm  I'm up from my rest. I hope I don't have to point out the fact that I have been walking on the opposite side of the road giving all the cars passing me the peace sign. I really have been waving at every single one. Since the cars are more spread out in the country.

                   I hope there's a store close by. I'm already in the town of Mountain Home. I'm not too far away from I10, I don't think.

     3:26pm  I'm walking down 27 West. My balls have worn out like crazy. Then I remembered that two or three days before I left, I had been walking San Antonio all free, with no bags. Not even my mission bag. I was using my Bi-Force of Wealth. Walking stick and water bottle. It has just occurred to me that that's why my balls were lasting me so long. At first I thought it was because my new stick was lighter. They're wearing out quick now because I am hauling stuff.

     3:29pm  I see a sign showing a fire station coming up soon. I see telephone poles. I even see a flashing four-way stop sign. That means that there's some civilization coming up. There might be a store.

     3:33pm  Hallelujah, I think that's a store. It might be.

                   Damnit, it's just a post office.

     3:40pm  I have an update to make. I went in the post office and the sheriff just pulled up in his truck. I went inside the post office to cool off. I asked the sheriff, "Isn't there a store in this town?" He tells me, "Nope. Nothing at all." I'm only about three miles away from I10. Then after the highway there's a truckstop seventeen miles away. That's like the closest food to here. That really sucks.

                   I hope I get a ride on the interstate.

                   I looked at area map I got at the Hunt Store. The sheriff told me to turn right to go to the highway. I looked at the map and saw that I could go straight and hit I10 too. I looked at the map and they both seemed the same distance. If I go straight I'm going to end up being closer to the truckstop. I'm going straight. I just saw a sign that said JCT I10 2 miles. Junction 34. West 27 I'm walking on.

                   I tried to tell my story to the sheriff and the other people in the post office. As soon as I said eliminate money they turned around and walked off. I finished saying I was going to legalize marijuana, hehe. They laughed. The sheriff told me to be careful. I told him that was the only way I knew how to be.

     3:57pm  I just remembered that cop told me if I wanted to get a ride on the highway to turn right. I told him I would just walk it. I guess he thought I meant I was going to walk to the truckstop seventeen miles away. I'm going to end up walking a long time.

     4:01pm  I was walking 27 and I saw these two trucks and a construction machine. I see the interstate on the horizon. I asked them if they could give me a ride to the interstate. Steve agreed and he's giving me a ride to the interstate. I appreciate it. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

     4:04pm  I just got taken to the highway. Steve said I was like six miles away from a store. Steve just hooked me up with a whole pack of Marlboro Reds. That's awesome.

     4:07pm  Mile marker 488.

                   Please Great Sprit. I'm walking fine now. I'm not really that hungry. Even though all I have eaten was that bigass taco this morning. Remember, I fed the last bit to the fishes. I'm not that hungry. I took a couple of my mom's vitamins. The 4Life stuff. Transfer Factor. Please Love, let me make it to the next food stop. Please allow me to stay in this good health and good condition until I get to the next food. Please help me if you can.

     4:26pm  I am up from my break. I took a 420 break. Oh yeah, that dude Steve hooked me up with a frozen, well it used to be frozen bottle of drinking water. It's cold. It's good. I sat down and smoked a cigarette to it.

     4:30pm  Juntion 31 miles. El Paso 466.

     4:39pm  Mile marker 487. I'm not going to rest. I'm going to keep going until the next one.

     4:55pm  Mile marker 486. I wonder how long that was. I'm going to go sit in the shade and rest. I think I see some kind of structure down there on the horizon. Hopefully I can get food. I'm hungry.

                    55 minus 39. That's how long that mile is.

                    Wow, sixteen minute miles again. Just like I used to do.

     5:03pm  Leaving marker 486.

     5:07pm  Segovia Truck Stop and Restaurant Exit 465. Best Western at Exit 400 and 365. I wonder what exit I'm close to.

     5:11pm  Midway Road coming up. Exit 484. Damn, that means I am twenty miles away from that truckstop. That sucks. But, there's a Round Up RV Park here and I see a big sign that says Groceries. I'm going to go see what I can get for a dollar.

     5:20pm  I was walking through this RV Park looking for where they sold groceries. I didn't see a store anywhere. I started walking around hoping someone would come out of their trailer and tell me where I could get food. I walked up to this one trailer and saw some old lady inside talking on the phone. I called out and she told me to hold on. She was calling someone else because I was a stranger. She finally comes outside and I told her I was walking and saw the sign for groceries. She told me the grocery had been shut down for a while. Then she pleaded for me to sit down and asked me if she could get me something to drink. Her name is Erin. Erin offered to give me some food too, so I can keep walking. I really appreciate it, Erin. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

     5:40pm  Thank you Love for that angel Erin. She was this awsome old hippie lady. I smoked her out and I gave her a little bit of weed for later. She made me these two damn good turkey sandwiches. She even gave me a little bit of food for later. Some crackers and some cheese. It's like thirty miles to Junction. Let's see if I can do it. Maybe I'll get there tomorrow. I wonder where I'm going to sleep tonight.

                   It was weird. I couldn't find the grocery store so I went and walked around. Nobody was home. Then I heard this lady on her phone. I went over to her trailer and said, "Hello, hello. Excuse me." She yelled, "Hold on!" I told her to take her time. She was talking to Mr. Falsen, this old guy. The owner that lives right in front of her. He came out and talked to me. Erin loved me. I told her what I was doing, but I didn't get too into it. I asked her if she smoked weed and she said she sure did, but that she could never get it. I gave her a hit off my one-hitter. I had a great time. I gave her a big hug and told her thanks for proving me right. She told me to be careful. Awesome.

                   I've got two sandwiches in my stomach. I have some crackers and cheese. I'm going to walk to Junction. Well, there's a truckstop before, so I guess I'll walk there. Twenty miles or so.

                   Oh yeah, Erin gave me two little jugs of Gatorade! She said, "You have to get some electrolytes in you if you're walking."

                   I'm thinking when I get to this truckstop I'm going to ask truckers for rides to Warfield in Odessa. At Warfield they hook me up like crazy.

     6:04pm  Walking in front of the Broken Window Ranch.

                   Did you see how my prayer to Love was answered with Erin? I did tell her the spirits part and she told me she believed in spirits. In ghosts too.

     6:27pm  Mile marker 484. I'm not going to rest. I'll rest at the next one.

                   It's amazing the boost I got from the little lunch-break at Erin's. And that Gatorade. Electrolytes.

     6:30pm  Damnit, the tennis ball came off of my stick. It took me like thirty seconds to find it. It's back on and I'm walking again.

     6:43pm  Junction 24, El Paso 462.

                   I had another pause because my ball came off.

     6:45pm  Long awaited rest at 483. I'm tired. I had skipped one before.

     7:14pm  I took a long-ass rest. I'm walking from the mile marker now.

     7:32pm  Mile marker 482. I'm going to try for the next one, again. I'm tired as hell right now, but let's see how far I make it. I probably won't make it all the way. I've got me a good rhythm going.

     7:50pm  Mile marker 481. It came up quick. I'm going to sit down and rest.

     8:09pm  Leaving 481. I had a good rest. I smoked some weed and smoked a cigarette. Drank some Gatorade.

     8:28pm  Mile maker 480. I'm going to keep walking. I'm not going to rest. Two miles per rest. It's not so bad. I just started out again. I remember I was doing five miles per rest in New Mexico last year. That was towards the end of my trip and I was used to walking. That's no excuse. I've been walking in San Antonio too. I don't care. I'm still going to rest at this next one coming up.

     8:45pm  Marker 479. I'm not going to stop though. I'm going to keep going. There's a bridge up ahead. Maybe I can find a crash spot close by.

                   That bridge is at East 290 Junction to Fredericksburg.

                   I'm about fourteen miles away. I'm not going to make it there tonight. I hope I'm able to crash at this bridge.

     8:56pm  I never told you. I just walked over the Kimble County Line.

     8:58pm  The weirdest thing. I got to this bridge and it didn't seem like there was going to be a place to crash underneath it. The exit on the other side of the highway loops around this field where there's trees and grass and stuff. I was hoping there would be a good place to camp there. Then I thought, "If I do crash there, in the morning I'm going to want to take a shit." It's like fifteen miles to a shitter. I was thinking maybe I would have to sacrifice one of my dirty socks so I could wipe my ass with it and throw it away. Then all of a sudden I walk up to a clean wash cloth on the side of the highway! I can wipe my ass with that in the morning instead of a sock! That's perfect. The universe provides. Now I'm going to go look for a place to camp and go to sleep.

                  Don't Mess With Texas. $400 fine for littering.

                  The mile marker is right past the bridge. I'm going to walk to it just to do it. This will be my last mile for the day.

     9:02pm  I am 99 miles away from San Antonio.

     9:03pm  Mile marker 478. I did those last three miles without resting. I'm going to walk back to the other side of the bridge and find a campsite in that field.

     9:06pm  I have arrived and I have unloaded. Damn, I'm 32 miles away from Kerrville. I've walked 32 miles so far. 23 left to Junction. If I walk to Junction I'll break my record. Junction is fifty three miles from Kerrville.

     9:12pm  I have settled down at my campsite. I put down all my sleeping layers and made a prayer to the Great Spirit. Please Great Spirit, please protect me while I sleep tonight. Don't let any bugs bite me that shouldn't. No scorpions or anything. I wish it was colder so could put my thermal bottoms on. I could anyway, but it's too hot. Just please don't let anything happen to me while I'm sleeping. Please keep the police away too. I am tempted to drink the last of my Gatorade. I'm thirsty. I've got lots of water.

Next day..

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